It’s happened. Long promised, routinely ignored, obfuscated and talked around—and tenaciously covered by KOMO—the dismantling and cleanup of the notorious Ship Canal encampment is well underway on the day that it commenced (Monday). KOMO, which must have a wholly-owned subsidiary dedicated to encampment reporting, had featured a story that said today would be the day. The State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), on whose property this camp has existed and persisted since sometime after the last Ice Age, had committed to removing the encampment by the end of the month in a letter to John Stanford International School (JSIS) parents. This …
Wallingford Community Council Needs Your Input
Fellow Wallingford Neighbors,
The Wallingford Community Council (WCC) Board wants to hear from you! How can we best represent our neighborhood?
Please take 5 minutes to fill out THIS SURVEY to help the WCC Board set priorities for 2023-2024.
NOTE: Survey closes Saturday, April 15th, 2023.
Thank you! And Happy Spring!
Our mailing address is:
Wallingford Community Council
PO Box 31698
Seattle, WA 98103-1698…
One Step at a Time Contest

Sofi, a student at Lincoln High school, invites all Wallingford neighbors to participate in the “One Step at a Time Contest”:
For my biology class, my group and I are creating a sustainability competition which will be a Wallingford-wide effort. This involves a list of tasks that help individuals have a smaller carbon footprint.
The website – provides more detail on how to participate:
The One Step at a Time Contest is for anyone interested in reducing their carbon footprint. Climate change is a global issue that must be addressed. By preforming these tasks, you will reduce your personal …
Spring Plant Sale Saturday, March 25th

Freeway Estates Community Orchard is having a Spring Plant Sale this Saturday, March 25, 2023 from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm (or until supplies run out). 6030 60th Ave NE,
Major Fire at the Seattle Boat Company

Ahhh, springtime in Seattle! Ain’t it grand? I went outside this morning to plant a few seeds, and wallowed in…the acrid smell of burnt plastic, fiberglass, and hydraulic fluid. It is usually just exploded propane tanks and charred tents wafting in the morning air, so I knew something was up. Or more correctly, upwind, as I was downwind of the terrible fire at Seattle Boat Company (across Northlake from Voula’s Offshore Café, on the east side of the Ship Canal Bridge), which became engulfed in flames early this morning. The Seattle Times and other sources report a 32-year-old man was …
A Take on Visions of Wallingford Film Screening and Conversation

I was delighted to attend the Visions of Wallingford Film Screening this past week. Though, it went way beyond just a documentary viewing. It was a curated evening of community and conversation that surprised, challenged and invigorated me.
The event was held at the Good Shepherd Center theatre on the 4th floor and the evening sun streamed through the vintage stained glass. After receiving our packets for the night, there was time at the beginning to wander among the tables at the sides of the room where community organizations shared information. It was wonderful to meet contributors to this blog …
Setting Yourself up for Success (in the garden)

Spring is almost here – even though there still is a chill in the air! As you dream about what you might want to plant in your garden this year consider some of these tips to ensure you set yourself up for success!
Right spot – The keys to a successful vegetable plot are threefold – Sun (and more sun), water, and soil. Make sure that the location where you are planting your crops gets 6-8 hours of sunlight. While Seattle gardens don’t need much watering in April, May and June – they do need a lot …