If you’ve been to our neighborhood QFC recently, you no doubt would have noticed the absence of fresh fish and, possibly, meat at the respective counters. This comes as a blow to many shoppers who are probably hoping to get all their shopping done at one time and in one place, including the purchase of some meat and/or fish. To be fair, the QFC is not totally bereft of these items. There is plenty of pre-packaged meat available (as always), and apparently, a worker from another store has been coming by to cut up fish and shrink wrap it for …
Bus Route 44 Work Continues This Week

While none of the actual work this coming week will take place in our neighborhood, use of a storage area along Woodland Park Avenue may affect your travels. We received this from the Seattle DOT:
Starting as early as next week, crews will begin the process of relocating their vehicles and equipment to a new storage site on Woodland Park Ave, between Green Lake Way N and N 46th Street. Crews will be utilizing this area for the next six weeks.
During this process you can expect:
No parking signs in the area as early as next week Daily movement…PNW Needle Arts Holiday Sale

The holidays are fast approaching. (Yes, they really are!) If you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind homemade gift for that special someone, check out the Pacific Northwest Needle Arts Guild Holiday Sale.
Dates: Friday, Dec. 3, Saturday, Dec. 4, Friday Dec. 10 and Saturday Dec. 11 Time: 10am – 4pm each day Place: Good Shepherd Center, 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Room 120For sale will be ornaments, baby gifts and toys, hats, scarves, afghans, bags and much more, all made by guild members.
PNNAG, headquartered in the Good Shepherd Center, supports needle work of all kinds. Their mission statement:
… we …
Kiddie Parade Needs Your Help

I received a postcard in the mail recently announcing that the 2023 Kiddie Parade (a Seafair event which, due to the pandemic, has not been held since 2019) would take place on July 15. Surprised that this announcement would be sent out in October, 2022, I turned the card over to discover that it was, in essence, a call for help.
The parade is being organized by Celebrate Wallingford, a new neighborhood non-profit set up specifically to produce the parade. I contacted them to find out more, and spoke to Blake Garfield (of Bedrooms and More, a major force behind …
Work Continues Along Bus Route 44 Corridor

[Editor’s note: Since 2019, planning and work to improve transit time and safety along the route 44 corridor has been ongoing. The information below, regarding work to begin as early as next week, comes to us from Darrell Bulmer, Communications and Outreach Lead, at the Seattle Dept. of Transportation (SDOT). More information is available here.]
Pedestrian Improvements in WallingfordAs soon as next week, crews are expected to shift into the Wallingford area and begin sidewalk, curb ramp, and crosswalk work. Work will begin on N 45th St between Interlake Ave N and Wallingford Ave N. This work includes:…
Alchemysts Theatre Presents Ruins of Memory

The performance group Tales of the Alchemysts Theatre will bring their most recent production, Ruins of Memory: Women’s Voices of the Holocaust, to the Wallingford United Methodist Church this coming Sunday.
First, the details:
Date: Sunday, October 23, 2022 Time: 3:00 pm Place: Wallingford United Methodist Church, 2115 N. 42nd St. Free-will donations at the doorRuins of Memory follows the stories of Jewish women during the Holocaust. From the WUMC website:
This theatrical performance piece, adapted and directed by Laura Ferri, features inspiring selections of resistance and resilience from fiction, poetry, and oral histories by survivors and victims of …
Gasworks Brewing Preview

As things stand, my nearest brewery is Fremont Brewing followed closely by Ladd and Lass. Note that neither one is in our neighborhood. Why don’t I just go to a neighborhood brewery? Because there isn’t one. Well, all that will change come next year.
Last Saturday, I attended an event that was part fundraiser and part open house at what will someday be Gasworks Brewing’s new space. Located at 2401 North Northlake Way not far from Westward and Bowriders, the space offers great views across Lake Union and the opportunity to arrive by boat at the nearby dock.
On tap …