The U District is changing. There is the first new high rise since 1975, University Seafood is closing, and now WeWork is opening a co-working and separate office space at the Roosevelt Commons 4311 11th Ave NE on January 12, 2020. I must tell you that I’ve dreamed of branching out and creating my own startup. The Roosevelt Commons is a great location for me. I requested a tour of the space, and some very nice sales associates showed me around the 5th floor of the building which was literally a building site. The flooring was not yet installed. There …
Recycle with Northwest Center

Are you channeling your inner Marie Kondo lately? Trying to minimize clutter in your home? Well, Wallingford has a pretty convenient option. Located right in the North Seattle Transfer Center is a Northwest Center donation truck.
The newish transfer center at 1350 N 34th St. is open 7 days a week. At the old transfer center building, I remember the Northwest Center truck being located outside in an adjacent parking lot. Not anymore. The truck is discreetly tucked inside in the same area where you go to recycle. While this is a much better location, many people don’t even know …
The Daphnes perform at the Chapel at Good Shepherd Center

In 2016 I felt pretty depressed about the state of the world. One day I picked up an old New Yorker from years back. In it was a fantastic article that I had never read by David Remnick about Aretha Franklin. It occurred to me that the same country that produced our horrifying racial past (and present) also produced the most amazing artist ever. I started listening to Aretha constantly. One day I turned to my neighbor and musician Monica Schley and thanked her for being an artist. Art will get us through this; art is the beauty that remains …
B.F. Day Elementary Marches for Peace

B.F. Day Elementary made a visible statement about peace on March 14th. Kiro 7 helicopters captured the above image. After 25,000 people viewed the video on Kiro’s website they decided to write a special piece on what made the elementary school want to participate in what was called a “school walkout” elsewhere. I highly recommend reading the article in full for a detailed explanation which includes an interview with the principal, how the students and PTA came up with the idea, and how the older classes are very aware of the issue of school safety.
A parent with an older …
Tour Wallingford-area Elementary Schools

You can never start planning early enough for that special time when your first child is about to enter Kindergarten. Two years before my son was due to start Kindergarten, I toured four schools. It was helpful to find out early what my options were and to spend a year observing my kid and solidifying in my mind what place fit him the best.
Morning tours are great because you can see the kids in the class; however, I find that visiting a school during a school event like an Open House can be hugely beneficial too. To be able …
Wallingford Chef Writes Book “My Rice Bowl”

Ever since I have lived in Wallingford, the restaurant Joule has been a hit, and so I assumed it had always been that way. I’ve been reading My Rice Bowl, Rachel Yang’s new book, which I eagerly purchased on the day of its release in late September. Rachel Yang and Seif Chirchi are chefs/owners at Joule, Revel and Trove. I love their restaurants.
According to the book, Joule wasn’t a huge success initially. They opened in November 2007 on N 45th Street in Wallingford and initially had some popularity and good reviews. However:
One cold Tuesday in the winter… we …
Wallingford’s Newest Gastropub is Yoroshiku

I was a fan of the classy restaurant Yoroshiku 4649 when it occupied only 1913 N 45th Street. Over the summer, they expanded to occupy the space next door (1911), where Tea House Kuan Yin was. They are now called just Yoroshiku, and that’s not the only thing that is different.
The decor has substantially changed. The entrance has moved to the newer side, which is a bar, while the older side is more like a restaurant. The bar side has a very long bar with a small selection of microbrews and a larger variety of cocktails. Sake and Japanese …