Last Friday I sat down with mayoral candidate Cary Moon to ask her a series of questions about her candidacy and how her election might effect the residents of Wallingford. Cary was congenial, open and candid while she answered every question that I posed to her. I viewed my role as just a reporter who asked the questions and did not challenge any of her answers and remarks. I want to thank Cary and her team for the time they shared with me and for their great communication that they exhibited. Cary’s website is So here is what I …
HALA Focus Groups—A Study in Failure?

Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed reflect those of the author only, not the website or editors.
A significant part of Mayor Murray’s Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA) was a community-based focus group process consisting of 170 members selected from over 800 applicants from all areas of the city ( Wallingford had five residents participate in the focus group process. The stated goal of the HALA focus group process was “to elicit constructive dialogue about affordable housing programs and other HALA recommendations. Specifically, we need your help to shape the land use changes required to implement the Mandatory Housing …
Wallingford Urban Village Design Workshop A Success

Last Tuesday’s Urban Village Community Design Workshop sponsored by the City of Seattle was a success! Over 300 people attended the meeting to participate in a dialogue with a representative of Councilperson Rob Johnson’s office, the Office of Planning and Community Development, and the Office of Housing. I will have to say that I was somewhat shocked and surprised that Councilperson Johnson did not show up for the meeting in that he missed a valuable opportunity to engage in a dialogue with his constituents about some pretty important and long-reaching zoning decisions.
The City started the meeting with a welcome, …
Come to the Wallingford Urban Village Community Design Workshop

You are needed now! Join your neighbors to help Keep Seattle Livable!
Wallingford Urban Village Community Design Workshop Tuesday January 17: 6:00 – 9:00 PM. (Come late if you have to. Showing up really matters) Hamilton International Middle School, 1610 N. 41st Street Hosted by Councilmember Rob JohnsonWe’ll explore clear and meaningful ways to be a part of decisions about our neighborhood. We still have time to stop forced “upzoning” that will hurt Wallingford and surrounding areas. Don’t delay, it’s up to us to guide this process.
Here are the basics of what “Keep Seattle Livable” means:
Retaining our…Community Involvement—Wallingford Sets an Example

This last Saturday morning the Wallingford Community Council (WCC) held an educational session entitled “Wallingford Educates Wallingford” for neighborhood residents. This meeting was designed to update everyone on the details and status of Mayor Murray’s HALA and Grand Bargain initiatives as well as the potential effects on Wallingford renters and property owners. The meeting was held at the Hamilton Middle School, and I am happy to say that over 250 people were in attendance. This large crowd was due mainly to the hard work that WCC volunteers put forth in the form of personally calling on or “doorbelling” hundreds of …
Keep Seattle Livable

Join us for an update on the City of Seattle’s proposed Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) zoning changes and to better understand its potential effects on all residents of Wallingford.
Date: January 7, 2017 Time: 10AM-1PM Place: Hamilton Middle SchoolThe HALA Mandatory Housing Affordability program rewards developers and speculators, while Seattle residents pay the price. This “Grand Bargain” devised by Seattle’s Mayor and City Council promises to:
Destroy established communities Displace thousands of low and middle-income residents Reduce family-scale housing optionsThe MHA program applies to all multifamily zones in Seattle within and outside of the Urban Villages:
In exchange…Yet Another Story About The Wallingford Transfer Station

Last Friday I had the opportunity to tour the new Wallingford Transfer Station. On that day I wore two hats, one was that of a writer for and the other was that of a Wallingford Community Council board member. The new transfer station can be summed up in one word – FANTASTIC!!! The facility is surrounded by attractive landscaping, a playground, benches, work out stations, a basketball court and a super art sculpture made of reclaimed rebar.
The design of the station makes it easier and more economic for residents to drop off oil, recyclables, batteries, paper, needles and …