There are a few things this neighborhood can count on to keep us seasonally aware. Body-painted bike riders trickling in from Fremont in June, a line around the corner from Murphy’s each March…and the Morris Dancers greeting May.
Kimberly wrote to Wallyhood to share the specifics about this year’s May Day dancing:
The Sound and Fury Morris Dancers, Seawitch Women’s Morris, and the Mossyback Morris Men will be greeting the sunrise at Gasworks Park on May Day morning this Wednesday, May 1. Dancing begins around 5:45 am and ends around 7:00am. There will also be the singing of traditional English May Carols, and guest appearances by our hobby “horses” Finn the Salmon and Ogo Pogo, the Sea Monster. The event is family friendly and spectators are encouraged to dress in spring colors, floral patterns, or bedeck themselves with flower garlands. It’s often cold/windy, so dress warmly and bring a thermos! See the Facebook event notice here.
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