I received a postcard in the mail recently announcing that the 2023 Kiddie Parade (a Seafair event which, due to the pandemic, has not been held since 2019) would take place on July 15. Surprised that this announcement would be sent out in October, 2022, I turned the card over to discover that it was, in essence, a call for help.
The parade is being organized by Celebrate Wallingford, a new neighborhood non-profit set up specifically to produce the parade. I contacted them to find out more, and spoke to Blake Garfield (of Bedrooms and More, a major force behind the parade for many years), chairman of Celebrate Wallingford’s board. He says interest in the parade seems to be flagging:
… it sometimes feels like a thankless job, knocking on doors trying to drum up sponsorships. But I think the community needs fun, positive events like this to thrive; especially with residents and businesses like ours (Bedrooms & More) struggling to overcome the impacts of vandalism, littering and theft that has been growing steadily here in Wallingford.
Blake feels that more businesses and individuals need to step up and take ownership of this community event. So please consider lending a hand to this neighborhood tradition! Both volunteers and financial contributions are being sought. Visit their website to learn more about how you can help.
The announcement from Celebrate Wallingford is reproduced below.
The Wallingford Parade needs your help, participation and enthusiasm. You’re invited to join us, Celebrate Wallingford, in the planning and production of one of the oldest and most venerated NW summer events, the Wallingford Kiddie Parade! For over 75 years, Wallingford (and all of Seattle) has had a sweet spot in its heart for the notion of kids, pirates, drill teams and marching bands strolling down 45th in mid-July.
Would YOU like to take part in that lighthearted legacy? Here’s how YOU can help:
- Become a board member of Celebrate Wallingford
- Help with parade production
- Sponsor/Donate. Without community financial support, events like this don’t happen. See the website for Sponsorship/Donation opportunities
The date for the 2023 parade is Saturday, July 15. The 2023 theme is: (drumroll) Halloween in July!
- Contact us at [email protected]
- Or phone: (425) 470-3974
- www.celebratewallingfordwa.org
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