This is purely a coincidence, I think. But almost immediately after one of Wallyhood’s loose cannon editors included a snarky joke about the Route 44 bus line in an article that was mostly unrelated to it, we heard from Darrell Bulmer, communications/outreach lead for the city’s Route 44 upgrade project. For the record: Darrell lives in the neighborhood AND rides the 44 bus.
Darrell graciously overlooked (mostly) my previous snide jest, and wanted to update Wallingford about the Route 44 corridor work that is just now beginning to take place. The kickoff is likely one that will trigger at least a few alarm bells around the ‘hood, as the tree in front of Molly Moon’s will be removed during this weekend. It will be replaced with two new trees following consultation with the city’s Urban Forestry team.
The project will proceed on NE 45th St in Wallingford in the coming months, although not immediately. This work will produce pedestrian detours as sidewalks are upgraded and curbramps brought up to current ADA standards.
The full informational announcement is included below, as is Darrell’s contact information should you have questions or concerns.
Construction on the Route 44 Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridor project has started at the following locations:
- N 46th St & Green Lake Way/Whitman Ave N
- NW Market St & 11th Ave NW
Additionally, we are beginning sidewalk upgrades between Ballard and the University District. In preparation for that work, we will be removing two trees this Saturday. Work will begin at 8 AM near N 45th St and Densmore Ave N, before moving near N 46th St and Linden Ave N. Please expect temporary sidewalk impacts in these areas. Click here to see a map of sidewalk improvement locations along with project corridor.
Construction activities include:
- Sawcutting and demolishing existing pavement in the roadway
- Demolishing existing sidewalks and curb ramps
- Pouring new concrete
- Signal upgrades to both traffic and pedestrian signals
- Utility upgrades
We anticipate work in these areas to take 2 to 3 months to complete. Travel through these areas will be impacted during construction. Please follow posted signs and markings and plan for delays.
In addition to traffic impacts, bus routes along the corridor may experience:
- Temporary stop closures and relocations
To stay up to date on this project, please sign up for our email list, and check the project website. Please also share this information with your family, friends, or neighbors that may be interested, and encourage them to sign up for our email list. We will be sending weekly updates to keep you informed throughout the duration of the project.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Darrell Bulmer
Community Outreach Lead
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