On Tuesday, May 18, 2022 the Wallingford Community Council (WCC) held its annual elections for Board of Directors and the following Board of Directors was elected:
- President — Jenny Ring-Perez
- Vice President — Miranda Berner
- Treasurer — Mark JoHahnson
- Secretary — Paula Eisenrich
- Board Member-At-Large — Bonnie Williams
- Board Member-At-Large — Lee Raaen
- Board Member-At-Large — Ted Hunter
After the elections we had a presentation by Tanya Kim, Acting Director and Michael Bailey, Deputy Director of the Seattle’s Human Services Department. Tanya and Michael reviewed the department’s charter, objectives and they pointed out specific areas where volunteers are needed. The department is responsible for the following:
- Addressing Homelessness
- Promoting Healthy Aging
- Supporting Affordability and Livability
- Preparing Youth Success
- Supporting Public Health
- Supporting Safe Communities
I was impressed with number of volunteer opportunities that the department has to offer those citizens who want to bet involved in Seattle’s efforts to make our city stronger. Here are a just a few examples.
- Volunteer at a shelter
- Volunteer at a food bank
- Utilize the “Find It-Fix It” app to report problems
- Attend age friendly Seattle virtual events
- Volunteer at a senior center and meal programs
- Assist people with achieving financial stability to help them meet their basic needs
- Volunteer to deliver meals and deliver groceries
- Volunteer at the Seattle Youth Employment Program
- Volunteer at the King County Public Health Reserve Corporation
These are just a few of the volunteer opportunities that are available through the Human Resources Division. I have attached a copy of the PowerPoint program that Tanya and Michael presented to us Wallingford Community Meeting 5.18. – HSD Overview.pdf
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