[Editor’s note: For those unfamiliar with the Wallingford Community Council, the WCC is, in their own words, “a neighborhood voice representing the greater Wallingford community in interactions with city government on land use, transportation, and parks.” Their monthly meetings are a source of valuable information about goings-on in our neighborhood and the city at large. As a new feature, we will bring you the minutes of these meetings here.]
The Wallingford Community Council (WCC) held its monthly meeting via Zoom on March 2, 2022 and it included a dialogue with Council Member Sara Nelson, District 9, a presentation by the City on the plans for the redistricting on City Council areas and an update on the new apartment building that will be built on the property previously housing Stone Way Hardware,
So let’s start with Council Member Nelson. CM Nelson is currently Chair of the Economic Development, Technology and City Light Committee. She is also the Vice Chair of Sustainability and Renters’ Rights as well as a member of Finance and Housing, Land Use and Public Safety and Human Services Committees. One of CM Nelson’s priorities is that of crime and with emphasis on how crime is affecting small businesses in Seattle. In fact, she organized and conducted a meeting with over twenty seven local businesses to gather input, further define the problem and explore new and innovative ways to minimize crime in our neighborhoods.
With regards to homelessness, CM Nelson supports the regional homeless plan and is working with the Mayor to solve the problem while caring for the less fortunate homeless population. She also reported that the Office of Economic Development recently launched the Capital Access Program to assist small businesses to recovery from the effects of the pandemic. Nelson also emphasized a new level of cooperation between City Council and the Mayor and she is convinced that this will go a long way to improving all aspects of the City. The remainder of Nelson’s time on the agenda was devoted to Questions and Answers with the audience.
Seattle’s City Engagement Advisor, Elsa Bathes-Boni introduced the Seattle Redistricting Commission which is responsible for the overseeing the development of the new district lines in response to the completed 2020 census. This committee was appointed by City Council and the Mayor and consists of individuals who are non partisan members of the community, Ms Bathes-Boni also suggested ways in which the public can be involved and provide input.
The last speaker of the evening was Scott Lien of Kamiak Development, the builder who is going to construct new apartments on the site of the old Stone Way Hardware store. This is the second time that Scott has communicated with the WCC regarding the details of the new project. His main goal is to keep Wallingford residents up-to-date on what the project is, features and design aspects of the building and to obtain input on potential improvements to the design.
The Wallingford Community Council’s next monthly virtual meeting will be held on April 6, 2020 at 7 PM and will include Council Member Strauss of District 6 where he will update us on key issues, initiatives and opportunities as well as a Q & A session. We look forward to having you join us. More information about this meeting can be found on the WCC website.
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