Here’s another from Deep Tote’s drop of Wallingford historical photos. Again, I could use some help on the year. I’m not a vintage car expert (and I’m also not old enough to remember), but the cars on the right suggest early 1950’s to me.
Visible in the mid-ground is the Wallingford Police and Fire Station (now the Neighborcare Clinic), with the “Police” sign still visible. This little tidbit of memory adds some color to what that would have been like in year’s prior:
“The Wallingford Fire and Police Station … made quite an impression on district resident Paul Alexander, who in 1952 still remembered “the fire station at 45th and Densmore where horses would rush out of their stalls at the sound of the bell, into their places, and harness would be dropped around them” as the firemen slid down their brass pole.”
Also visible is the sweet little house that Sutra Yoga occupied in its final years before shuttering for construction and progress. Funny to remember that before that was a yoga studio, and whatever it was before that, it was just someone’s house, on 45th Street.
Good to see bicycles were already a part of Wallingford daily life back then. Anyone recognize themselves in that parade?
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My husband spotted a 1949 Cadillac, a 1947 Pontiac, and a 1932 Ford. We have a couple of classic cars. Great picture!
We could have all been driving electric- or steam-driven cars by then. The technology existed. Also we should have had bike lanes and numerous “Loading Only” parking call-outs. #equity #parkingequity