As we all know, our neighborhood is filled with unusual and quirky items that neighbors (perhaps one of you!) have constructed in their yards and along parking strips to make our streets our own. We’d like to showcase some of those items that make Wallingford Wallingford, but since we can’t be everywhere, we need your help!
Send us your photos of Wallingford’s Unique and Bizarre:
- Email them to [email protected] and include the title of the article (Wanted: Your Photos of the Unique and Bizarre) in the subject line to be sure they get to the right place.
- Include in your email the location where you took the photo. (Cross streets are good enough.)
- If you wish to be credited, please include your first and last name.
At some future date, I will roll these photos into a gallery, and we’ll have a little contest in the comments to see who can name the location (or which photographer can stump the entire readership). We don’t have any prizes to offer, but you will earn the unending admiration of your neighbors. And you can’t put a price on that!
Some guidelines:
- No house photos, please. We know there are some really cool and funky dwellings here, but we’ll save those for another day. Let’s limit ourselves to the smaller scale: the little libraries, bird houses, totem poles, etc. that adorn our yards and line our streets.
- Be careful about street signs and other cues that might be a giveaway as to where your photo was taken. Feel free to Photoshop out anything like that.
To help steer you in the right direction, I’ve put together the gallery below of just a very few of the Unique and Bizarre in my immediate vicinity.
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