Unless you’ve been living in a cave the past few years, you know that Planned Parenthood has been under assault – at least at the federal level. You may have met people soliciting on behalf of the organization in front of QFC, but maybe giving that way isn’t your style.
Now, the Blue Moon and Wallingford’s nearest brewery, Floating Bridge, have teamed up to make it easy for you to show your support:
One of Seattle’s oldest bars, and one of Seattle’s newest breweries, are teaming up to support Planned Parenthood. Neighbors The Blue Moon and Floating Bridge Brewing, both on the 700 block of NE 45th St., are holding fundraisers for the local chapter of Planned Parenthood on Sunday, February 12.
Floating Bridge Brewing will donate $1 from each pour all day long, from 1pm-9pm. They have 10 beers on tap, ranging from a crisp pilsner and hoppy IPAs to Scottish and stouts. Check out the full tap list here. The tasting room is kid and dog-friendly.
The Blue Moon will then kick off their fundraiser at 8pm with live music and Ticklemania tickle fights. All proceeds from the $10 cover will be donated to Planned Parenthood. In addition to their full bar, Blue Moon will also have Floating Bridge on tap.
Come celebrate and support a great organization with your neighbors at The Blue Moon and Floating Bridge Brewing.
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Sure would have been nice to know this before today, which is February 12! I would have definitely planned to go. But not sure I can make it with this short notice. Is it advertised anywhere? Two weeks to a month notice would really increase the turnout, and of course, the revenue.
You can still participate by making a nice donation to PP.
Thanks to everyone who came out to support of Planned Parenthood. We raised $1500 total over the course of the day.
@wallyhood-8613985ec49eb8f757ae6439e879bb2a:disqus you can follow us on facebook or instagram (@floatingbridgebrewing) to know what events are coming up.
Floating Bridge Brewing
There is also an awesome upcoming event around the globe called Play for Planned Parenthood, a 24 game marathon: http://playforplannedparenthood.com raising funds.
My friend and I are actually going to be live streaming from Mox over in Bellevue to help raise donations for about 8 hours. Mox donated one of their rooms for free, which is awesome! I wrote up a blog about the whole day of events taking place on March 4th: http://motzcod.es/post/157246796267/gaming-for-a-cause-play4pp