On the Wallyhood forums, alchaseshistrainofthought posed the following question:
What’s the appropriate (responsible and compassionate) action to take when I’ve found someone passed out on my front porch? I don’t feel particularly threatened. Looks like he’s just drunk. I asked if he’s ok but got no response. I could just step over him but that feels pretty callous. Should I call the police? Will any good come of that or will he just get pushed down the street to stumble onto someone else’s porch? I don’t really like having him sprawled out on my steps but I don’t want to be heartless either.
Several people wrote in response that the appropriate response was to call 911, and I agree wholeheartedly. A few weeks ago, a man was passed out on my front lawn in the middle of the day. When I went outside to ask if he was ok, he turned over and mumbled something. I could see that his face and hands were covered with blood. I immediately called 911, and a team of medics came right away. The man was treated on the spot for his injuries, and then transported to where he could get further help.
Its not always so easy to identify whether someone is ill, injured, or just drunk. But it’s better to be on the safe side, and call for help.
(Photo by Zack Heistand)
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I am curious if anyone has called 911 re those who are passed out on the bus stop benches in front of Bartell’s?? I asked staff about a person in such condition once and was told that they, staff, could not do anyting about that situation and that particular individual had a habit of doing this.
I did a few years ago. I came across a man passed out in a wheelchair in the bus shelter. The paramedics came and they recognized the man, who had been discharged from the hospital a few days earlier. He was taken back to the hospital.
I call in when there are people passed out on the sidewalk across from QFC, by their parking lot. A month ago, three people were sprawled out across the entire sidewalk, passed out cold. You never know if they’ve ingested something really serious, so I call 911. I would most certainly call 911 if someone was on my property without my permission and did not leave when asked or have the ability to leave through their own substance use. I’m surprised anyone would be so circumspect about that situation as to wonder if they should call or not, but diff’rent strokes for diff’rent folks, I guess.
Just last night, I was exiting southbound I-5 at 45th and saw a man sprawled out on the sidewalk right at the curb cut. (In other words, as if he’d walked across the street and fallen over.) He wasn’t moving and pedestrians were stepping over him with *seemingly* unconcerned expressions on their faces. So I called 911 and, after explaining repeatedly I didn’t know his height/weight/race, was told officers were on their way to check on the man. She also said another call about that man was coming in at the same time. I was heartened to know there was someone else out there who decided it’s better not to assume someone is “passed out” or why.
(I’m having a heck of time posting a response tonight).
These days, it’s as like that the passed-out person has od’ed on heroin as it is that they are drunk. Definitely call 911. They carry naloxone, which can actually save people from dying of the OD.