Both Michael Maddux and Rob Johnson say Mike O’Brien is the city council representative they most resemble politically and neither is interested in pointing out differences with the other candidate. They’ve both generally endorsed HALA and Move Seattle and neither wants to point to an issue where they differ with their opponent. Both are wonkish hard workers that are 30-something and live outside of Wallingford.
How to choose which should represent Wallingford on city council? Your opportunity to see them in person is this Wednesday night from 7:30 to 9:00 in the Good Shepherd Center chapel. Wallyhood is a cosponsor and will be asking questions as a moderator. We’ll be pushing on the HALA single family upzone and other issues from your proposed question list.
One fun thing we’re doing at this debate is handing out ballots where you can write down your impressions. After the debate, local press will be organizing all the ballots by neighborhood and relaying what people thought of the candidates.
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I’m pretty sure Michael Maddux lives in Eastlake, west of I-5.
Thanks Doug, I knew he wasn’t in Wallingford so I assumed the other side of I-5. Article fixed.
Also, pretty sure Johnson says both O’Brien & Bagshaw, while Maddux says between O’Brien & Licata.
This is so quintessentially Seattle. Like Northwest Profile whatever where no one wants to go first at a four-way stop. What is the point in our voting for either candidate if neither is willing to tell us why we should vote for him instead of the other. Isn’t that the job of running for elected office? Tell us what you bring to the table and how that differs from what anyone else would do.
Both are more than willing to tell you their particular stand on the issues. I believe what Eric is saying is that both candidates are more interested in speaking about their own positions than in slamming the opponent–in other words, a civil campaign. Which is oddly rare for Seattle these days.
Come to the forum to hear the differences.
Now that Licata is leaving, the city council will be clones of the mayor. The big laugh is that some people were thinking district elections would lead to council members pitted against each other’s parochial district interests, but it looks like we’ll end up with as solid a downtown council as we’ve ever had.
Many of the candidates are hardly “clones of the mayor.” And some sadly are. Pay close attention to the races.
I suggest Maddux, Grant and Bradburg (District 4 and the two citywide spots) for council members who would willingly stand against the mayor and downtown interests.
Bradburg for sure, and Weatbrook. Both have an uphill battle if they’re going to be on the council.
But Maddux? His chance to say otherwise Wednesday, but if there’s no significant policy difference …?
Sorry, “Bradburd”! By the way, I heard there’s a benefit Thursday at Sea Monster, Skerik & friends. I’m unable to find anything online that confirms that it’s happening or that it’s a benefit for Bradburd’s campaign, but what’s the worst that could happen. Skerik is a very fine tenor sax player. Another one on the 29th, musicians not named.
There are important differences. Are you getting the idea that there aren’t solely from “neither is interested in pointing out differences with the other candidate” (which, again, means no slamming, not no differences)
If you don’t have time to read the pages, just the different headers under “issues” tells you something (eg, no police & public safety policies for Johnson, but he bothers with an education section)
Maybe it’s hard to paint a distinct picture of these two partly because of the need to make inferences from what they fail to mention. For example, Maddux’s transportation section fails to mention Move Seattle, street cars, etc. Significant? You tell me. I wish for a candidate who wouldn’t be too shy to spell it out. It wouldn’t be asking a lot for them to acknowledge and address some of the more controversial parts of the HALA recommendations, either.
Add Sawant and O’Brien to Fruitbat’s list of names that are not aligned tightly with the mayor. And Murray’s most loyal clone didn’t even make it out of the primary.