When I moved to Wallingford back in ’93, we used to joke that with all the DINKs (Double Income, No Kids), the cats outnumbered the children two-to-one. As anyone who has been tracking the fast trade in stolen BOB strollers can tell you, the pendulum has swung.
The cats, however, are down but not out. The Seattle Met reports that Wallingford will shortly be getting its own cat cafe, Seattle Meowtropolitan.
A cat cafe is not a spot where cats go for a bowl of flat white. Rather, a cafe that stocks cats like some coffee shops stock newspapers. They’re there to admire, pet, and play with while you enjoy your coffee. Tokyo has several, New York City has two, and, apparently Wallingford will be getting one soon.
According to the Met, “Seattle Meowtropolitan co-founder Matt Lai confirmed that the cafe will be located in Wallingford, though he’s not yet releasing an official address.”
Seattle Meowtropolitan received some of its funding from an Indiegogo campaign, from where we can learn a bit more about what’s in store:
At Seattle Meowtropolitan, cats will be kings and queens. Group-living, human interaction, and loving attention make for a unique cat haven. Cats in our cafe will grow to be friendly, active creatures who are happy. Humans in our cafe will grow accustomed to delicious coffee and cute cats.
In addition to being a sanctuary for cats, we will also serve great coffee, tea, and snacks. Grab a drink, grab a snack, grab a table by a cat, and enjoy your time in the presence of our feline friends. The space will have toys and structures for the cats. So we need humans to come in for the cats to play with.
If you fall for one of our cats, you may be eligible to adopt him/her and provide them with a comfortable home.
Seattle Met also notes that a “particularly zen event of yoga with kittens” will precede the opening, as well. I have no idea what that means.
So where’s it going? Seattle Eater says it’s going to be somewhere with “lots of windows and be close to bus lines,” but that’s all we know. I’d guess the spot where Big Wheel was (yes, Big Wheel closed!), except that that’s clearly going to be knocked down for development. Other suggestions?
(Design rendering from Seattle Meowtropolitan Indiegogo page)
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Maybe one of the empty retail spaces on Stone Way?
Whatever’s in the former Rusty Pelican or Patty’s space that will no doubt close for good in about 4 minutes.
how about in Kitaros which no doubt will remain an eyesore til someone does something.. which they havent for over 2 years… or in the Closeout Sale Rug sales place which has had a closing out sale for 7 years? or in the recently closed restaurant on 45th next to a hair salon.. near new development on busline
My husband walked by the former Fuerte Fitness and was told by people renovating inside that it was going to be a cat cafe 🙂
One of the employees at Big Wheel told me a few weeks ago that they’d just been bought by someone who planned to keep it an auto parts store. Not sure whether that’s changed or not.
The story I got at Big Wheel was that another auto parts type retailer was coming in. I got the impression it was an individual, not a franchise, but coincidentally CarQuest will be vacating their spot on 34th in Fremont so more apts or office space can be built there.
This could be the beginning of a trend, you know, like the Japanese eatery thing. What if all the fingernail salons got into the lap cat game? You’d really have to know what you’re doing, though. Has a lot in common with a livestock operation, but more in the public view than a zoo.
When did Fuerte Fitness close? Nobody tells me anything . . .
avatar: No one bothered to tell me either. 🙂 Apparently lack of parking, too much noise, & rising rents forced their hand. From Fuerte’s website: “After weeks of meeting with local gym and studio owners, we are proud to announce our new location. Beginning June 1st, Fuerte Fitness is partnering with Excellence Fitness in a brand new facility, located at 41st and Aurora Ave N. A move of only five blocks from our current location with Parking Available! “
This is hilarious, re the cats! I look forward to going there! Might solve my on and off need to get a pet!
It’s amusing to me that lack of parking was an issue for a gym.
Kristin, Good point nicely put. thanks for the laugh-out-loud moment.
that will be great in the Fuerte spot…. thanks for the info. I will love going up there.. I was being sarcastic before as I’ve been bothered by old Kitaros.
So close to our house-the kids are going to love it!