If you’re reading this on a desktop computer, instead of a phone, you must have noticed things look a bit different.
After almost seven years without a design refresh, I thought it was about time to clean things up. The new theme also makes it easier for me to add new features to the Wallyhood, and get a bit more creative with some articles (e.g., better use of photos and video).
It’s still a work in progress, I’ll be tweaking it over the next few days, but if you have comments or suggestions, please leave ’em.
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Looks great! Well done!
Pretty indeed!
Gosh this seems like a step backwards to me. Like an early style blog – stark and not pretty at all. Also photos are smaller.
It has been in flux – earlier the photos were larger. The reduction in photo size has some practical benefits – if you’re returning to the front page and seeing the articles in question for the Nth time, you don’t really see the photos any more anyway, and it takes less time and bandwidth if they’re small. And there’s room for more articles to be presented in this manner. If the article text is to be abbreviated to a “teaser”, it makes sense to do that with the photo too.
Thanks for switching to a sans serif font. It’s looking good. Could you maybe put a thin gray rule between posts? They kind of run into one another right now.
And maybe have slightly more content before the READ MORE button. I like the idea of putting the bulk of the content behind a jump, but it’s a little too much of a tease right now.
I’m with Doug — a hairline rule between posts would be great. And the most recent font (as of Saturday morning) is a nice update.
I really like being able to see several posts on the first screen.
To me, the button color looks a little off against the white. It also is hard to distinguish as a link-distinguishing color on the right-hand menus. Maybe move a tad brighter or bluer?
Hairline rule between posts added. Also tightened up the spacing around the title / metadata. I’m having trouble with adding more content to the preview. A plugin that’s supposed to give me that control isn’t working, something in theme is overriding it. I’ll dig in and do it, though…
Will also play with the colors a bit. They’re a bit all over the map. If someone with actual graphic design skills wanted to play with it, I’d hand ’em the keys.
Like the fact that the image now stays on the same side after the jump.
What happened the home page log in?
There’s something up with resizing the window in chrome. Sometimes it seems the aspect ratio for text in the main and right column isn’t locked so you get either tall skinny or wide fat lettering. Definitely the case for some of the images in the rightbar.
Would be nice if the rightbar was smaller, at the moment it takes almost as much weight at the main column. I like the ratio at this page, see what you think: http://retractionwatch.com/
There’s something buggy with those green arrows in the forums. Resizing makes them overlap the text and they don’t act as clickable. Are they necessary? Maybe simply underline the column header?
Thanks for taking on such an undertaking, can’t imagine it’s a simple.
Hey Zod, would you mind emailing me some screenshots of what you’re seeing at [email protected]?
Bug report: from the right column on the front page, the links to “Pretty” comments sometimes come out like this: http://www.wallyhood.org/2015/07/pretty/comment-page-3/#comment-262865 — note “comment-page-3”, when there’s only one page. Typically, that is, but there some way to get a front page with the correct “comment-page-1”.
The effect is that when you select the article by a comment, you get the article without comments; where if you had selected the article directly from the left column, you’d get the first page of comments too. I don’t suppose this is your doing, more likely just a wordpress bug.
Love the new look. Chrome on tablet/mobile is causing formatting errors throughout (mostly condensing/compressing of horizontal type items) and it’s actually really bad on forums and means headers and titles can be unreadable.
IE on Win 8/10 is fine, however.
…also, using the image formatting button doesn’t seem to work for imgur images at least (in forums).