The Wallingford Community Council President this coming year is Carl Slater (fuzzy pic on the left from the annual meeting). He lives at 41st and Burke and is enthused to be running the show for the next year.
This Wednesday night’s meeting of the WCC is his first, wish him luck. The meetings are in room 202 of the Good Shepherd Center. Here’s tonight’s somewhat subdued agenda from Carl, you can go right after the farmer’s market if you like:
7:15 Announcements
7:25 Wallingford Chamber of Commerce Announcements
7:30 Help Wanted and handout distribution
7:35 President’s Message
7:40 Presentation of Greg Hill on City Council actions on Low Rise Apartments and the Rasmussen amendments.
8:10 Questions
8:25 Consideration of resolution related to Rasmussen amendments.
8:30 Good of the Order and Help Needed
8:45 Adjourn
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St Benedict Church/school is hosting a Car wash and Clothing Donation drop off on July 12th from 7:45-about 12:00 or so.
We’ll make it easy for you to donate your unwanted clothes, shoes and blankets and even wash your car if you want.
Proceeds benefit Esperanza, a group of teens-adults going to Mexico at the end of July to help build houses.