The Meaningful Movies features PRIDE today at 7 PM. The movie features striking mineworkers and gay activists working together to fight the erstwhile scourge that was Margaret Thatcher.
The Tilth Edible Plant Sale is this weekend at the Good Shepherd Center from 9 AM to 3 PM each day, or you can pay to go early on Friday from 5 to 7 PM and have your pick of the plants, or you can be cheap and go at the end of the day on Sunday to get plants for half off (at least if prior years are a guide).
Don’t forget to bring flats to put your plants in! It’s the plant sale equivalent of reusable grocery bags. Here’s the schedule of educational talks:
- 10:00 a.m. Choosing Hop Varieties for Home Brewing
- 11:00 a.m. Kid Picks: Tasty Plant Favorites from the Children’s Garden
- Noon Growing Tomatoes 101
- 1 p.m. The Art of Spring Rolls
- 2 p.m. Bloom On: Flowers to Enhance Your Edible Garden
- 10:00 a.m. Grow a Living Wall
- 11:00 a.m. Bartender’s Garden: Great Plants for Mixing Cocktails
- Noon Attracting Garden Assassins: Pest management through diversity
Also, as mentioned in the comments, after you get your plants you can pop into the WCSC for pancakes!
The Zoo may no longer have elephants but starting tomorrow it has a new Tiger exhibit with 3 new tigers, a new sloth bear exhibit, and summer hours, staying open until 6 PM every night.
Alice in Wonderland at Stone Soup Theater wraps up its run this weekend.
Laura Kastner, clinical professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington, will be speaking on Wednesday night at Meridian School about how to manage your tweenagers. Hint: Randomly yell at them when they get on your nerves, it keeps them off balance and stops them from getting too uppity.
The Wallingford Community Council is scrubbing their Wednesday meeting next week as they have scheduled their annual meeting for 5/27, coincidentally the same night that the Wallingford Farmer’s Market starts back up.
The Chapel Performance Space at the Good Shepherd Center will feature performances this Saturday and next week on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Next Friday’s performance on May 8th may be interesting if you want to chat with the performers, as John Teske says:
A lot of the Wayward shows are experimental but the Composers’ Salon in particular focuses on dialogue between composers, performers, and audience. For both new and seasoned composers, it offers not only the chance to try something new but to discuss/workshop/validate ideas with their peers as well as the fresh ears in the audience.
Enjoy your weekend!
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And don’t forget the Spring Pancake Breakfast 9 AM to noon on Sunday at Wallingford Community Senior Center! All are welcome! Shop for plants, then come for breakfast!