My hope is that the calendar will be of use to people that are sitting around with their coffee on Saturday morning wondering what to do with themselves or their kids. The calendar tab is now back in the Wallyhood menu and the calendar is up to date. I also cleaned up the page so it hopefully more legible and useful.
So that you and I don’t forget the calendar is there, my plan is to have an article featuring events every Saturday morning that I write up while updating the calendar every Friday. I’m going to focus on local performances, non-profit stuff with a general audience, important government stuff, and the occasional sponsored event. If I tried to include every wine tasting or happy hour or trivia night things would be a mess.
Which brings me to my first calendar dilemma. Has anyone figured out what to attend for the Wayward Music Series in the chapel performance space at the Good Shepherd Center? The series is lovingly maintained, but I have a hard time making sense of what they offer despite having attended a couple performances. I’m not expecting a bluegrass jam session, but can someone help me interpret this Saturday Night’s “Butoh/sound improvisation with noisepoetnobody (modular analog synth) and Vanessa Skantze (Butoh) + special guests Thunder Grey Pilgrim”? Maybe you’re friends with Thunder?
On Monday night at 6 PM you get your one and only nearby chance to provide feedback in person on the new transportation levy. I have a Q&A out to the powers that be to see what the impacts will be in Wallingford. You can see more info on the proposed levy here.
The Wallingford Community Council meets this Wednesday (no agenda as yet) and Whirligig starts this coming Friday, which is always a welcome distraction if you have elementary age kids and it’s raining.
Finally, if you’re looking for a path to self expression, you could sign up for The Artist’s Way Class with Kate Gavigan (sponsored):
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron is an international bestseller on the subject of creativity. Whether you see yourself as an artist or not, this book and class can be an incredibly useful resource to tap into your creative side which can benefit many parts of your lives. The 2 hour a week 12 week long class will take students through the 12 chapters with an emphasis on the accompanying chapter exercises and additional creativity exercises and strategies (i.e. meditation tools). This material can work with anyone, no matter how dormant or energized their creative life may be, and can enhance their ability to be more fully and genuinely themselves.
Julia Cameron uses 3 basic tools for students to enhance their lives and their creativity: morning pages (writing 3 pages longhand of stream of consciousness writing), artist’s dates (solo fun dates with yourself) and completing creativity exercises at the back of each chapter. To quote Julia, “In order to retrieve your creativity, you need to find it.” The basic tools and the additional creativity exercises that we incorporate into the 12 week course can help you do just that. No prerequisites required for this class.
Classes will be held at the Wallingford/Fremont Art Center: Windows Art Gallery, 4131 Woodland Park Ave N., Seattle.
Kate Gavigan has been facilitating Artist’s Way classes since January 2009. Kate is passionate about The Artist’s Way having personally experienced the benefits of the materials. Kate worked in social services as a trainer for over 10 years when she found herself drawn to the material in The Artist’s Way, which helped her uncover a passion for the arts. She credits her mid-life career change (now working at her dream jobs teaching these classes, acting, working in arts marketing and home organizing) to having gone through The Artist’s Way.
Section I:
May 8 – July 31
Fridays, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
$375 (12 weeks)
Instructor: Kate Gavigan
Note: No class July 17Section II:
May 4 – July 27
Mondays, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
$375 (12 weeks)
Instructor: Kate Gavigan
Note: No class July 13
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Eric, thank you for organizing and posting a calendar of events! I frequently wish that there was one.
Thanks Alicia! Jordan had one long ago that I found useful but it pittered out. Nice comments like yours help a lot in the motivation department.
Great idea and thanks for coordinating this. However, please note that this posting appeared in my inbox on April 2, announcing the WCC Council meeting on “this
Wed”, which was last night. I note that this article was dated on March 28. This has
been an ongoing problem with this site – would be great if the glitch could be fixed.
Thanks for doing what you do – it’s important and useful!
Thank Mary. Emails were unfortunately blocked for a while because of a bug in the system that I fixed when I learned about it. I am now signed up to get the emails too, so if there’s a bug in the system again I should find out about it and be able to fix it. You didn’t miss that much at the meeting, it was mostly prep for the annual meeting in May.
Great to have a Wallingford calendar of events Eric! But I may ask why a very large event at the Wallingford Center that took place the Saturday next (April 4th) didn’t even get a mention from you? Every year we at the Wallingford Center, arguably the de facto ‘center’ of Wallingford and the most recognizable landmark as such, host a community event the day before Easter. We draw in 400+ kids who love the Bubble Man show, after which they run helter skelter all over after Easter egg treats and enjoy face painting for free afterwards. We do this for our community and our neighbors, who are great supporters of the building. It seems your neglect in posting this event on your calendar might make your information somewhat incomplete and therefore suspect as to it’s relevance. Heads up, by the way…every year we have hundreds of little goblins and fairies and such descend on our building to trick & treat on Halloween! Don’t forget to mention us! Many thanks!
Julia: The Easter celebration was on the calendar, but the featured calendar post was written last week by the WCSC so they chose to focus only on their events. Mea culpa: You are right that I should have corrected that as editor and included the Easter celebration as part of that post or another one.