Join us at Wallingford COMMUNITY Senior Center for these programs brought to you with lots of heart in February! (NOTE: All programs listed here take place at Wallingford Community Senior Center, unless otherwise noted.)
Pancake Breakfast with Heart
Celebrate Valentine’s Day by sharing a hot, freshly prepared breakfast with others in the community! Pancakes made with heart designs, French toast, ham, vegetarian sausage, beverages and more! Advance registration appreciated, drop-ins also welcome.
Sunday, February 8, 2015, 9 am – 12 pm
$5 Adults / $3 Kids
United Way Free Tax Help
Tax help is coming to WCSC! If your household makes less than $60,000, come to WCSC on one of two Mondays in February (2/9 or 2/23) for free help filing your taxes. Advance registration appreciated.
Mondays, February 9th & February 23rd, 10 am – 2 pm
Free, 45-minutes appointments

Echoes of a Lifetime – Portrait Sessions
Spend half an hour in a photo shoot and interview session with local artist Savvy Dani who will then paint a portrait of you for her project “Echoes of a Lifetime”, in conjunction with the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture. When the portrait is completed, you will receive prints of your portrait and a copy of your interview answer, and you’ll have the option to purchase the original portrait at a reduced price. Donations support WCSC’s programs. Advance registration required.
Thursdays, February 12th & February 19th, 1 – 4 pm; 30 minute sessions
$3 members/$5 public suggested donation
Food, Food, Food! – Discovering the Landscape of Food
Learn the what, where, and how of Seattle’s food resources so you can eat healthy, tasty food economically! Including information on community gardening, food banks, farmers markets, community kitchens, and more. A light lunch will be served at 12:30. A collaboration between Seattle Parks and Recreation and Wallingford Community Senior Center. Advance registration required.
Thursday, February 19, 2015, 12:30 – 3 pm
Free, donations accepted for lunch
At Northgate Community Center: 10510 5th Ave NE, Seattle, WA, 98125
What to do When the Grandkids Come Out and Other LGBT Questions
Would you like to better understand LGBT issues? Learn to support someone who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender? Hear the personal stories of LGBT individuals and family members? A panel from PFLAG, an organization of parents, families, and allies united with members of the LGBT community to move equality forward, will share their lived experiences. There will be time reserved for questions and dialogue as well. Presented by PFLAG Speaker’s Bureau of Greater Seattle. Advance registration appreciated.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015, 2 – 3 pm
Weekly Meditation Guided Practice
Learn to be in the NOW. Research points to the many health benefits of meditation. Beginning and experienced meditators welcome. It’s never too late to start! Drop-ins welcome.
Fridays, February 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th, 2-3 PM
$3 members/$5 public suggested donation
For more information about these and other great programs at Wallingford Community Senior Center, visit our web site: , email us at [email protected] or give us a call at 206-461-7825.
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