This morning a large cockerel arrived and parked himself at the Wallingford Methodist Church, complete with the requisite cock-a-doodle doo morning serenade for all in the vicinity of 42nd and Bagley. This guys is big and healthy. He is more than just an “oops” from a batch of chicks. We haven’t seen or heard him before in the neighborhood and are speculating that maybe his owner got desperate and decided to just ditch him here. He seems pretty determined to hang out on the church fence for a while.
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This rooster has been wandering the hood for the last few weeks. The next step should be calling the humane society.
or, just call a chef!
How about a nice coq au vin?
You should contact the Seattle Animal Shelter, or bring him in between noon and 6 pm Tuesday through Sunday, and they will feed and take care of him until they find a place for him (usually on a farm in the country).
Yes Maureen, he was crowing up a storm right under our window. I looked out and saw him proudly promenading in front of the church. Hope he finds a new roost tonight….
I have heard a rooster at 45th and Bagley. In the houses behind The Iron Bull.
Is he black w/red comb? My neighbors on Bagley, next to Iron Bull have been fostering a cock? who wandered to them. I think they will continue to care for him/her, but this bird flies over their fences.
Call Seattle Animal Shelter and they will capture him and
find him a good home in the country… not in the frying!
Winner winner chicken dinner! I used to love plucking chickens!
I’ve gotten 3 roosters that were badly sexed and listed them on Craig’s list for free with free delivery. In all 3 cases I heard back from suburban flock owners that wanted a rooster and weren’t even planning to kill it. Also, I think portage bay grange may humanely kill them for you.
Any of us should move soon or our coons will get him.
Someone needs to box him until a longer term solution is available. I’ve multiple carriers, which we use to transport our birds to fairs (4H), but my schedule is tied up until Thurs.
Not certain how this works, but if ya can reply to my email address hopefully we can work it out.
Matthew 26:34
For all those interested in the fate of the rooster who recently wandered our neighborhood, read on. As the City of Seattle would deem him an illegal, free range fugitive rooster, he needed to get out of town. The Wallyhood blog ranged in sentiment to those who wanted to eat him to those who wanted to save him. Perhaps there is a solution in this email for everyone. Confused?….keep on reading. If you should find yourself hungry in Snohomish, Wa. you could go to the Los Godinez Taco Stand located at 11130 92nd Street and talk to the owners of the taco stand, Jose and Alijandra. They own Preston now. Don’t know if that name will stick so you could just call him the “big rooster from Seattle” that was given to them. They accepted Preston not as food, but as a guard/breeder rooster for their small flock of hens. They agreed to our future visits, so it does not seem he will be in a taco. Of course, it is their perogative to decide otherwise, so if you find yourself there, and you want to tell yourself it is Preston you are eating, go ahead. Most likely though, he will be busy on duty elsewhere, so perhaps you could just dine on another chicken. For those who wanted to save Preston, I am sure your patronage would be appreciated as your business will help keep the couple, their 4 young children, and Preston fed. As a thought, if anyone is so inclined, this kind young couple might be willing to accept bags of chicken feed as a gift. This gift idea is mine, not theirs. You can buy chicken feed less than a 1/2 mile away from the taco stand at the Snohomish Farm co-op just down the road at 168 Lincoln Street. By the way, Preston also had another offer of a farm in Yelm. He is actually a very placid, nice bird. From fugitive to farm family in 36 hours. We did our best.
Thanks, Duncan. You did a good deed.
Um, yeah: “you’ve performed a excellent process on this topic!”
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