Sharon, a long-time Wallingford Santa, sent in this update on her status some weeks back:
Hi everyone, this is Sharon (Santa). After seeing about the Latona house, I thought I had better send out my notice. Santa has hung up his beard you might say. After 16 years not missing a day during those years, 4 to 5 hours a night almost 3 weeks a year. Wind, rain, snow never stop me (Like a mailman).
Starting with taking down Halloween then and starting with Christmas, 16 years was really easy because there’re was very little lights. As the North Pole theme took hold and I kept ADDING & ADDING it got more complicated to do it, just ask my Main Elf Kay (friend & neighbor). She and I did of the ground work, porch, north side of house, and both trees. I did the inside windows and my dear HUMBUG Fred did the gutters until he could no longer do it. The deadline was always Thanksgiving except the one year the bus crash on the Aurora Bridge. It rained I believe it rained the whole month of November except the day after Thanksgiving and then a lot of the neighbors pitch in. Got most it done in one day, but the display was not as large.
In 2010 I had cancer, 2011 it was all up but broke my right wrist, 2012 Fred was really to bad, 2013 my dear Fred passed away (at home) and I was tired.
Here it is 2014 and my eyes and health I decided to hang it up. I had plenty of people, clubs who offered to help but I just can not do it. There is a lot of changing and repairing of lights and some what changing the display around.
Santa and I will miss seeing all of you coming around and saying Hi while walking or in cars, the Bus Tours, Limos, Retirement Vans, and TV stations.
I could almost write a book for what I heard and saw in those 16 yrs. the little ones talking to Santa (knowing he’s real, helper, a woman, or just Sharon. I really do believe that I saved 2 lives in those early. They sat on the lower stairs and talked to me for some time and then left. I hope I did.
There will not be a Christmas sale this year. Big thanks to the 3900 Woodlawn block for the conjestion I made. Kay my main helper Elf Carol, Phyllis, Penny, June, & other helper Elf’s, Jim Jackson for his 2 yrs help with the Gutter lights getting done, Hayden & Quinn Santa’s Best Elf’s ever, and best of all My Dear Fred for putting up with me.
My eyes and mind are doing tricks with me and I need to close. Sorry for rambling.
Thank You Friends, Neighbors, Wallingford, & Wallyhood,
Sharon Ehrig aka Santa on Woodlawn
PS After 48yrs at this house, 50 yrs in Wallingford, and 69 yrs old, I’m staying in this Wonderful neighborhood as long as I can, with help as needed.
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Sharon –
You’re contributions to making this neighborhood great can never be repaid… … and that goes for all of Seattle. I remember one night when there were THREE buses backed up on Woodlawn – all making the trek to see the Santa of Wallingford.
Thanks for all the good times.
Sharon, thank you so so much for all that you (and Fred) have done for the holidays! It has made our hearts sing. I am hoping we an meet.
Do call, 206 548 one one six three.
I saw someone else list a phone number this way, not sure of the plus or minus of it, though!
So many thanks to Sharon, her dear Fred and all the helper elves over the years. We have loved your display and totally understand the need to let it go. We have lived in W-hood for 40 years too and are pleased to see that others have been inspired by Sharon to do some decorating themselves. Best Holiday wishes to our lovely neighborhood.
We always drove by to wave to Santa Fred. You both brought a lot of happiness to a lot of people.
Thank you for the memories, Sharon.
We will miss you as Santa and your beautiful displays.
Thank you Sharon,
For 10 years I have seen your lovely display.
I’m a 46-year-old woman who believed in Santa everytime I saw your place. You brought joy to us all. I wish you all the best