We’ve heard a couple reports of BOB strollers stolen off porches in Wallingford over the past few days. Nathan says:
I wanted to report that our BOB Duallie Revolution (double) stroller was stolen off of our porch last night. It has a lock on it as well as a soccer ball and a shovel set.
And JC posted in the Wallyhood forums:
Our blue BOB stroller was stolen off our front steps in the middle of the night! Our house is fully fenced and higher off the street and I had put the stroller up on the steps temporarily. I usually store it in the garage, was planning to put it back but forgot. The worst part is that I had put the garage door opener in the stroller’s cup holder so that I could close it right after I put it back in the garage. Our front gate was pulled partially closed, but not latched completely – a sign to me that they were trying to be very quiet. I also have two yappy dogs who usually bark at any noises they hear and they didn’t bark all night. So these people were SNEAKY and BOLD. Ugh! I’m so annoyed right now! If you happen to see an abandoned blue BOB stroller around 43rd and Burke today, let me know. Highly unlikely, I know.
Finally, Darla writes:
Just want to warn neighbors that last night, we had a couple of porch robberies on Burke near 43rd. My neighbor had a stroller stolen and my grocery delivery was taken. Most likely this was around 3am. In a disconcerting twist, two empty Amazon bags were returned to my porch in the broad daylight during the only (brief) period I was out of the house today.
We also lost our BOB stroller from our porch earlier in the year, and we’re not alone. This is happening frequently.
Michelle tells me she saw two groups of homeless people (most recently, two guys, one girl, all in early 20’s) in the Fremont area who were using a blue BOB stroller to pack up and move their belongings around. That’s an awfully expensive item for someone living on the street.
My advice: grab yourself a cheap cable lock (like this one for $6 from Amazon) and put an i-hook in the wall on your porch to lock your stroller up. I’m guessing if you can make it at all difficult for them, they’ll move on, rather than spend time making noise trying to undo the i-hook or cut the lock.
PS No, mom, I will NOT buy burglar alarm, but thanks for asking.
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Early this morning, our bike was stolen off our porch at 47th and Interlake. I think it might have happened around 4 a.m., because our dog woke me up and ran downstairs, I brushed it off as him being restless. The bike was cable locked to the porch post, and the cord was cut. Unfortunately, it seems the thieves are now carrying around cable cutters. Concerning to think that people this brazen with cable cutters are roaming our streets in the early morning.
What my parents did was they used to engrave an identification number in an obscure location on items of value whenever they could so that if they were stolen and then later recovered they could be identified to the police. That was part of some neighborhood program as I recall so that people could just borrow an engraving device I guess from the police or city to do this rather than having to buy an engraver.
I’ve seen at least 4 homeless people over the past 2 weeks who seemed to be scavenging from resident recycling bins and just sort of “hanging around” down on Stone and 35th where that box/paper company used to be. A bit out-of-character for Wallingford but what can you do? You can’t phone the police. You can’t say anything in this stupid city without all the bleeding hearts having a big butt-hurt heart attack. Yet we, the residents who pay through-the-nose to live in a nicer part of town away from “city” problems have to tolerate it because the people here are too afraid to speak up and have their voices be heard. I for one am pretty tired of this uber-liberal attitude about the encroaching homeless, drug, and city problems (tagging, graffiti) in our over-priced neighborhoods. What do we do? More neighborhood watch?
Cheap Engravers
Cheap Cable Cutters
bob is among the best stroller, thanks