Jon Berkedal wrote in the Wallyhood Forums:
Several cars in our neighborhood (43rd and Latona) have had screws in their tires. One tire had the shaft of the screw driver in it. Some time ago, Wallingford in general had a rash of similar events. Additionally, one family has had their Honda stolen three times in the last year. Not sure what is going on here or why, or what can be done short of installation of security cameras. Just thought you should know.
Jon’s correct that this particular form of vandalism is sadly not new to Wallingford. Back in 2012, we ran another “Screwed” story, where a series of readers chimed in with similar stories:
In the last month, 3 out of us 4 roommates have gotten flat tires. Ironically, the same rear tire and usually a week a part from the previous flat. We have found this to be very suspicious and just too much of a coincidence to believe it’s unintentional. After the 3rd car was found with a flat, we took handling the situation more seriously in filing police reports. This flat tire was also confirmed to have been intentional by the size of the screw and the nature of its placement.
I’m just dumbfounded what the nutjob’s motivation could be. I can’t figure out how they could benefit, and it doesn’t have the visceral kick of arson. Someone who just hates tires?
In other car news, Forum readers report a smashed window / car prowl in the same area (1st Ave near 45th) and car thefts near 42nd and Meridian.
Here’s an almost totally unrelated tip: we love hanging out on our front porch, but the new LED street lights they installed a few years back were blindingly bright. Turns out if you send in a request to the city, they’ll adjust the focus so they don’t shine on your house! E-mail the 7 digit number on the telephone pole and your address to [email protected].
It makes hanging out on your front porch in the evening much more pleasant. Which, in turn, might help you spot the screwball.
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It continues. Both a nail and a screw in my driver side rear tire this morning, which had been inspected a week ago when I got new brakes. A slow flat, my tire had 10 lbs of pressure and I luckily noticed it looked soft. On eastern ave a little north of 45th – be diligent and check your tires often