Tamara writes:
We’re doing our huge yard sale to benefit Special Bunny Rabbit Rescue again this weekend, June 8, Saturday, 10-4. Corner of 53rd and Green Lake Way North, at the purple house across from the soccer fields.
TONS of stuff, like previous years, and all the money benefits SpecialBunny.org. If you ask nicely, you can even meet some real live pet bunnies and learn all about proper care of house rabbits, who are amazing, fun, silly pets. We work with other local shelters to help with abandoned and neglected pet bunnies, and we have our own shelter too, where we do adoptions, rehab, and education.
thanks so much!
Tamara Adlin (resident of the purple house in question, along with six bunnies).
Best we can tell, it’s purely coincidental that this is happening the same day as Bunnarchy the illeventh: The Fur Ball.
(Bunnies pictured are special, but not the same kind of special referred to above.)
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Thanks, Wallyhood, for featuring our sale…and thanks to everyone who read about it here and stopped by! It was wonderful to have so much support from the neighborhood, and so many of you mentioned that you found out about the sale from Wallyhood! We raised a whopping (hopping?) $1715.00 for the shelter animals! That’s our biggest one-day total yet for our sale! and as usual, we will probably do yard sale part deux late in the summer to sell remaining goodies …and more items that get donated between now and then. Thanks to everyone so so much!
And, not for nuthin, but TONS OF PEOPLE REALLY READ WALLYHOOD! That’s a plug for businesses considering advertising/sponsoring on this site..DO IT! 🙂 Thanks!