We live in Wallingford and are putting out a plea for gently used adult coats, gloves, hats, scarves and/or anything to keep folks warm in cold weather. Looking for new adult socks too. We’ll be collecting these until December 20th. Then on Saturday, 12/21, Steve and I will distribute them around to homeless folks, living on the streets, in the Seattle area. If we have anything left (and we doubt we will), we’ll drop them at the usual spot which is the office of “Real Change” in Seattle, to be given to their street vendors. In past years, we’ve taken all to Real Change but now want to try and get some coats and gloves directly on those folks that are out in the cold.
This is a great opportunity to clean/clear out gently used winter items to make room if you are expecting or giving these items for Christmas.
In the past, I’ve put out a box in my office at work to collect, but I recently change my work structure and now I’m a traveling consultant, without an office. So, now just posting where we can and asking for help. I posted on facebook last night and got a response from a lady in sunny California who is sending a box to us!
It’s not a charity, so no tax deduction, but come on, that’s not why you’re donating right? Barb says to call if you have any questions. She can be reached at 425-344-5383 or [email protected] and is happy to pick up if needed.
Apropos of nothing, it’s suppposed to drop to 23° tonight and snow on Monday.
(Photo by André Kongevold)
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Thank you for your generosity Wallingford! I’ve received 4 responses already with donations of coats, socks, etc. One lovely neighbor brought over 12 new pairs of men’s socks and about 20 travel kits with travel size essentials…perfect. Who knew? Again, thank you and we will continue to collect for the next couple weeks and hand out as we receive. Barb 425-344-5383
Wonderful! Thank you for your thoughtfulness!