The following is a post from Wallyhood sponsor, Chris Kirchoff, owner of Kirchoff Fitness:
One thing I’ve believed in since I started doing training is the power of the exercise buddy system. Research at the University of Pittsburgh shows that women who work out regularly with at least one pal lose as much as third more weight than those who exercise solo. And a Brigham Young University study showed that couples who worked out together tended to be much more fit over their lives together.
So our classes encourage friendship and fellowship, with groups paired up to do activities, and I’ve loved watching friendships–and exercise-buddy-ships–form.
Some of the things we do in Kirchoff Fitness:
- Saturday run group, independent of the official workout times
- Group event participation: 17 of our clients and boot campers did the Vancouver Half Marathon in 2012 (and we had a blast)!
- Nutritional support. Cooking classes with Whole foods chef and Bastyr instructor, Jennifer Adler at PCC. Nutrion seminar with Minh Hai Tran, RD
- A Weekly Challenge you can do outside of class, with a partner.
This is just one more way we help you incorporate exercise and fitness into your daily life–which guarantees your success.
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