A few weeks back, I took an afternoon off to pedal my way up to Phinney Ridge and pick up my son Zev1 from pre-school. Uusally, that’s Mrs. Wallyhood’s responsibility, but this time, we were off for a little adventure.
As we left school, Zev proudly announced to his classmates that he was going to “test a video game”.
“It’s not a video game,” I told him. “It’s a card game…that has something to do with how you program a computer.”
He looked a little puzzled.
Truth was, I was a little puzzled myself. My friend Dan Shapiro had asked if I’d be willing to swing Zev by his place to playtest a game he’d been working on, “Robot Turtles”, that would teach kids how to program. But it wasn’t a game on the computer, it was a board game. Or a card game. Or a board game that you played with cards. Or something.
As we pedaled back towards Wallingford, Zev chattered away with increasing excitement from the rear bicycle. I asked him if he’d like to stop at a playground we were passing, since we were running a little ahead of schedule.
“No, I’m too anxious to get to Dan’s. I don’t want to do anything except get to Dan’s,” he told me.
All I could think was that I hope it was good. There’s few things harder for a father to watch than his son’s hopes being dashed.
My fears proved unwarranted. I won’t ruin the surprise (or bore you) with the details of the game, but I will say:
- It is not a video game. It is a human game that parents can play with their children with physical pieces. No glowing screens.
- The experience of watching the gears turn and click inside Zev’s head, watching the glimmers of understanding play out across his face, was pure joy to me.
- Midway through our playtest, I realized that yes, indeed, my four (and three-quarter) year old son was learning the basic concepts of programming. If he never ends up writing a line of code (which I find doubtful, given that I am his father), he will be a sharper, more effective person for it.
- He (and I) both shrieked and jumped for joy at various times in the short half hour we got to try it out. Watch for our cameos on the demo video.
Want to try the game? Unfortunately, it’s not actually available yet. Dan decided to raise the money t0 manufacture it through Kickstarter. His original goal was $25,000. In classic Dan Shapiro style (you’ve got to know Dan), he’s managed to blow through that in a matter of days and has raised $191,085 as of this writing.
If you’re interested in getting a copy in time for Christmas2, check out the Robot Turtles: The Board Game for Little Programmers page and think about pledging. Dan notes that he doesn’t plan to go into the board game business, so getting a copy through the Kickstarter program may be your only opportunity. (He also notes that a few large game manufacturers have reached out to him about the project, but that could result in a different version than the one he’s creating).
It’s a fun game. Zev was so upset we couldn’t take home a copy, AND it stretched his brain. And best of all, it’s something I enjoy doing with him. Together. Way better than handing him an iPhone.
And, of course, it’s Designed in Wallingford.
1. Previously, we’ve referred to him here as “Baby Z” , but as his fifth birthday approaches, that no longer seems appropriate.
2. Sorry Jews, Chanukah starts in November this year, and Dan didn’t think he could hit that deadline.
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Might be interested to read about the Logo programming language, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logo_(programming_language), which has been used a little in education and as far as I know for nothing else, but influenced later programming languages. And it has turtles – maybe the turtle gets involved in line drawing graphics only, from what I can tell, but it’s always mentioned.
@Donn: Yup, back in the day (late 70s / early 80s), Logo was being used to teach children the basics of programming (at least, in schools that were affluent enough to afford computers.)
Similar to Robot Turtles, Logo let kids tell the computer what to draw; it used the directions for drawing as a way to understand the basics of computer programming.
I taught a summer class using Logo and Turtle Graphics in the early 80s. I think Logo was, overall, a good introduction technique to programming. Turtle graphics was certainly more intuitive than my rudimentary teaching ability!
For (slightly) older kids, Scratch from MIT’s Media Lab is a great next-step intro to programming: http://scratch.mit.edu/
For kids who’ve got Scratch down, Multimedia Fusion 2 makes for a fun progression.
I remember programming with turtles when I was little (and was allowed to play only ‘video games I made myself’). I heard Z talking about this on Saturday and am convinced!
Neighbor Dan here! I’d love to answer any questions you’ve got about the game (starting with ‘is it like Logo’) – just put all your questions here in the comments!
I’ve used small index cards with similar steps to teach 2/3rd graders how to program, 1 kid is the programmer, another the robot, tasks were picking up balls and dropping them in buckets. Worked well. Transitioned to lego mindstorms using their graphical env (very similar mental model), all 20 kids were programming robots in 4 days.
I remember reading a couple articles about Robot Turtles last week on TechCrunch and FastCo. Design, thinking, “Wow! This is great” – I had no idea it’s also *Designed in Wallingford*! Congrats, Dan!
“Local Dad makes good”. 🙂
Dan, this is an awesome idea. I’m also a Googler-Dad-who-lives-in-Wallingford and as soon as I saw the Kickstarter I put down my $40 or whatever for a future copy of the game. Can’t wait to play it with my 4-year-old!
Thanks Matt! I think I might have seen you around the ‘plex. Appreciate your support!