What do you do if you live near a strip of WSDOT-owned land that abuts I-5, is overrun by invasive plants and rapidly fills with unclaimed dog excrement? In Wallingford, you might introduce yourself to your neighbors, petition the government and dream bigger.
That’s exactly what a group of friends and neighbors did at the Freeway Estates, starting back in 2010. Now, the land they have reclaimed from blackberries and dog poop has grown into a community meeting space which hosts an annual cider press, a neighborhood block party, and many smaller, less formal affairs. As volunteers continue to clear the land and plant food-bearing plants, the space is evolving into an urban orchard.
According to steering committee member Michelle Perham, the Freeway Estates has received a grant to take the project to the next step. And they need you! She wrote:
On the east side of Greenlake, there is a strip of public land next to I-5
that a group of neighbors has made into a lovely orchard. It’s located on
6th Ave NE between NE 60th St and 63rd.The group was recently awarded a grant and has been able to hire a
landscape architect to further improve the space. They are holding several
events and public meetings to get input from community members.This is a great group of people and a great community project. Please
consider attending one or all of the events.Public ideas for the Orchard space
Sunday, August 18, 2:00pm-4:00pm
At the Orchard: 6th Avenue NE, north of NE 60th
Rain or Shine – we have tents and chairs
Free Food, Door Prizes, Kids EventsPublic review of Landscape Architect designs
Saturday, September 28, 10:00am-noon
At the Orchard, Rain or Shine, Kids Events
Lunch is served! Something for every appetite.Public final review of updated designs
Friday, November 15, 7:00pm-9:00pm
At The Hearthstone, E Greenlake Way and 1stCheck out their website for more information and to subscribe to their blog:
http://www.freewayestates.orgAttend all 3 events to enter the grand drawing!
Some suggestions for the space:
food, flowers, classes, butterfly garden, flea market, exercise/play
station, P-Patch, solar panels, sound wall movie nights, berries, herbs,
HDA walkways, goats, food exchange, tool sharpening, meeting area, hot air
balloon landing pad
What sort of beautiful and useful space could you envision along the freeway? Murals? A garden that could be used by the McDonald Elementary students or the FamilyWorks Food Bank? A sculpture park? A pollinator pathway for our local bees? A rain catchment system? The possibilities are endless! Join in and help grow something amazing out of a former wasteland. Personally, I hope the hot air balloon landing pad is part of the final design. That or a zeppelin dock. That would be amazing!
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Lovely! Speaking of urban orchards, there is a wonderful, huge pear tree bursting with pears on Woodlawn and 45th in the parking strip by the gas station. The pears are beginning to fall, but most of them are really high up in the tree. Does anyone know if this tree will be (hopefully!) gleaned?
The Pea Patches have up to a 4 year wait.. so I’d vote for more Pea Patch space. And a park like grassy area… no major events to take over the park though.
I drive by this spot all the time and each time I say (presumably much to the boredom of my husband!) “Why don’t they do something like start a garden/park/community space here?!” So glad to see this post–my sister lives at the end of that block and I’ll encourage her to attend the events!
This is great, and exactly what this neighborhood needs. I applaud the efforts of the organization and would like to help.
Is there anyway we can get a similar project started on the east side of I-5 by Ravenna? That area is a real eyesore and covered in blackberries and it would be great to clear it and make it into usable space as well.