Each May Day, while most Wallingfordians are peacefully abed, dozens of hardy souls awake in the pre-dawn darkness, festoon themselves with ribbons and bells, and assemble at Gasworks Park. They are greeted by fellow revelers who likewise make their way to Gasworks Park bedecked in capes, flowers and layers of warm clothing. Together dancers, musicians and merrymakers herald the coming of summer with a celebration of May Day.
The organizers of this celebration are Morris dancers – the modern practitioners of an olde English folk dance tradition. I am one of them. For the 18th consecutive year, I will join Morris dancers across the world in greeting the sun on May Day. It is thought by many that the sun would not rise on May Day, nor the apple trees bloom and bear, nor the hops ripen on the vine, without the work of the Morris dancers and musicians.
May poles and flower baskets are pretty. But the real work of May Day lies in rousing oneself from a warm bed and braving the chill morning air in order to drive back the forces of winter and make way for the summer sun.
Won’t you join us? Come to Gasworks Park, down by the water to the south of the gas works, on Wednesday from 5:45 – 7 am. Five Morris sides – Sound and Fury Morris, Misty City Morris, North by Northwest Morris, the Mossyback Morris Men and our children’s group, The Morris Minors – will be on hand to get summer off to a rollicking start. We’ll be joined by the Village Carolers, bringing obscure May Day carols to life for your listening pleasure. Bring mittens. Bring flowers. Bring your sense of adventure. And let summer begin!
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