Deborah Spenser from Assistance League of Seattle (1415 N. 45th Street) asked us to pass along:
I’d like to ask my fellow Wallingford residents to think about this while doing your spring cleaning, downsizing, or decluttering:
Please consider donating some of your gently used clothing, household goods, jewelry, collectibles, books, and odds and ends to the Assistance League of Seattle. We are a 100 % volunteer-run 501(c)3 organization that supports children and young adults in our community with financial aid for higher education, a wonderful enrichment scholarship program, and new clothing and basic school items for our neediest kids.How do we do this? We sell your lovely donations in our Wallingford Thrift Shop. The proceeds from our Thrift Shop sales go right back into the community that we serve. Think of it as recycling for a great cause, where you end up with a clean basement, attic or garage!Having a yard sale? An estate sale? A garage sale? Please keep us in mind after the sale is done and you still have a few odds and ends left over! We are happy to supply you with a donation receipt.The Assistance League takes donations at the store during business hours (10-4,Tuesdays through Fridays, and 12 to 4 on Saturday). If you need help getting your donations to the shop, please email me, ([email protected]), to arrange for a local pick up of smaller items.Nothing to donate? No problem, just come in and shop at our amazing thrift shop! It is fun and full of treasures.
The Assistance League has three main programs:
- Operation School Bell®, our primary project, provides new clothing for over 1200 Seattle area school children in need each year
- Enrichment Scholarship Program, grants scholarships for extracurricular classes available to children in grades 6 to 11 in a variety of fields including music, art, science, debate, mathematics, language, drama, technology, leadership and journalism
- FAFE (Financial Aid for Education) awards community college scholarships for tuition and books to adults who seek an education but may not qualify for traditional scholarships
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Community Services for the Blind will pick things up from your residence.
Thanks for the reminder about this great shop in our neighborhod with a great cause!
I love the idea that my no-longer-needed things could go to a local place that supports good causes. CSB and the Northwest Center will pick up items from your home, but I believe that most of what they pick up goes to Value Village or overseas.
This is a great thrift shop and a great cause. Loving the community cycle of support.