As a follow up to the earlier discussion about a traffic signal on N. 40th Street, Cathy Tuttle wanted to let everyone know about the next meeting which will take place on Monday, January 7, at 5:30 pm at History House, (790 N. 34th St.) where the proposal will be presented to the Lake Union District Council:
Thanks all who came out to the Wallingford Community Council meeting on Jan 2 to encourage the Council to select N 40th St. as their first choice – making the street more compatible for people who walk and bike including transit users, kids walking to school, and dog walkers.
Next “hurdle” to success is the Lake Union District Council this Monday, Jan 7 at History House where we will present at 5:30pm. If you are a neighbor (especially a neighbor who lives south of 40th) and want to comment on crossing 40th Street, please raise your hand and speak up at this meeting! History House is in Fremont under Aurora at 790 N 34th Street.
Each of the SIX project proponents will be given up to five minutes to present their proposal. Lake Union District Council members will then conduct email balloting to determine the THREE that will move forward for further analysis. The six projects under consideration are:
- Woodland Park Ave Greenway (study a safe route from Lake Union to the Zoo)
- United Wallingford (that is us! a traffic signal to help people who walk and bike cross 40th!)
- Stone Way, N Northlake Way, Waterway 22 Pedestrian Walkway (connecting Burke Gilman and Gasworks Park)
- Phinney Ave N street calming
- Pedestrian crosswalk – MOHAI & Lake Union access off Westlake
- Green Lake Way planted medians
Many of you are clearly interested in safe, healthy streets in Wallingford. Fantastic!
Please consider joining Wallingford Greenways:
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Since this is part of the “Greenway” initiative I would be interesting in hearing results from the substantial monies already spent on the alleged greenway on 43rd.
I live a block away and have seen no difference in the amount of bike or pedestrian traffic since its installation. Besides a double cross-walk over stone way and some signage and streets painted with bike logos there is no functional difference.
Let’s evaluate the most recent effort and see if it worked before we look at getting money for the next solution.
I’m worried an addition traffic light on 40th will a) send more cars through residential areas and b) give a signal to cars that 40th is an arterial they should be driving faster on. I’d rather see a lighted (eg with flashing lights) crosswalk.
Please go to the meeting and speak so.