My name is Sasha and I am an independent chair at Salon Metro on 45th (1714 N. 45th St.). There have been serial thefts in the area that need to be reported as soon as possible to make our community safe and aware!!Last Friday, Jan 11th at 3:20pm three black men in their late 20’s walked into my salon (I was the only stylist there) and stole mine and my clients cell phones right off the reception desk and my station. I heard from the cops that Salon Chroma was hit the day before by the SAME 3 men and lifted a client’s wallet right out of her handbag.Today my partner reported to me that T-Mobile on the corner of Stone and 45th was visited by the same creepy theives yesterday!! All in the broad daylight in the afternoon! Our community needs to be aware. I do not believe the police have the time to spread the word for us, so please call me at 253-203-8558 if you need further information.
We asked Chroma Salon (1905 North 45th Street) owner (and Wallyhood sponsor) Bryce Francis what happened as well. Here’s what he wrote:
We did have a similar incident last Thursday around the same time. The occurrence happened very quickly, and reminds us to stay alert and aware of our surroundings. Working with the police, this incident has prompted us to review and make some changes to security policies we already have in place. We value our guest’s and employee’s safety and security above all else, and hope that as a community, we can prevent something like this from happening in the future.
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This is very interesting. Our building (4th and Union) in Downtown Seattle also has reported 3 black men going around in a stealing spree. Keep your eyes open and be aware. Don’t leave your personal belongings unattended. Especially, your expensive personal items.
Same thing happened to us at Salon Zaffa in Fremont, but it was just one guy, broad daylight, stole my clients phone off my station. Happened about a month ago. Found out later he had stolen a laptop from the acupuncturist behind us a few weeks before. Seems they are targeting a certain type of business. 🙁
Uhhh 3 black men together in Wallingford as a warning seems like a racist statement to me.
I agree we need to aware of ALL people around us.
Agree with coleen. Super uncomfortable with Yolo’s remark. Why should that be a warning, if I interpret your remark to infer that is a bad thing if three friends are together walking down the street.
Wallyhood, you *do* remove racist remarks, right?
I interpreted the remark as a comment about how white Wallingford is. In many cities, “three black men” would be considered as useful a description as “three carbon-based lifeforms.”
Actually, I think what Yolo said might have been meant with tongue-in-cheek? But, unfortunately it is sort of a factual statement where Wallingford is concerned. We’re pretty white in ethnic make-up around here and while one black guy wouldn’t have likely attracted any attention, three in the vicinity of a salon would, especially in light of the crime spree they (if it’s the same three dudes) are committing at these very specific targets. It’s pretty alarming to read how many places this trio has hit and they seem pretty brazen about it since they don’t seem to have changed their m.o.
This “racist” issue crops up from time to time in “The Times” when they publish an article about a string of ongoing crimes (for instance when women in Rainier Beach were being attacked at various times out on the streets), but then neglect to furnish a full description of the assailant(s). Is it racist to tell people to be on the lookout for a blue man with purple hair in his mid-20’s with a peg leg who is attacking women at bus stops? No, it’s just the facts, ma’am…
It is racist to assume that three black men walking down the street are criminals, in the context of a joke or straight-up. The implication is that the only black people that would ever set foot in Wallingford are trouble. If it was a joke it was poorly delivered.
And no, Lisa, of course it isn’t racist to describe who perpetrated a crime.
a – It appears that Lisa already answered her own question — at least in her opinion, which I agree with. But, I think you missed her point. When you say “of course it isn’t racist”, you’re implying that it’s common knowledge and that you have the absolute correct answer. I believe what Lisa was pointing out is that there are people that would consider it racist to simply describe the perpetrators as black. Just as you found Yolo’s comments racist, there are others that would not.
Brian, Lisa seemed to be conflating describing a perpetrator with making assumptions about strangers walking down the street. Disagree as we may, I hope we can see the gulf of difference between the two. I will say that I am off Wallyhood if they allow such a statement (as Yolo’s) to stand and represent this neighborhood. I won’t have a part in it.
I’m remembering whole thread about the relative merits of Boy and Girls Scouts being deleted for crying out loud. That get’s deleted and *this* stays?
The comment was removed.
Glad to see my since deleted comment has stirred up some good conversation. I was only half tongue in cheek with my first comment. I have lived in upper Wallingford for 5 years now and have never seen 3 black men in their late 20’s walking together in my hood. If I did see it, then you bet your ass I would be suspicious and very observant of them. It’s a matter of knowing the regular folk in my neighborhood, and yes that includes race. I bet most of Wallingford residents share this thought whether they admit it publicly or not. Sorry, but Wallingford is so laughably white that I have to be right.
Yolo, how about getting some exercise. A run around Greenlake would be far better for you than trolling the internet. And if you must troll, might I suggest the HuffPost or the Blaze. Awesome opportunities over there.
I have to agree with yolo… I am a very long time resident of the neighborhood. I do nto see 3 young Black males together in the area. I never see a Black family in this area. We do not reflect the many races in the city by a long shot.. and a group of 3 men who do nto usually move in the area may cause some suspicion.
The other thing is.. cellphones set down on a counter and left make easy pickings for anyone.
Original yolo remark seems to have been deleted, but without notation.
Anyway, it would be have been useful if the article included more description than “three black men.” Age? size? Anything?
George Zimmerman had a similar outlook. I do not share it, and I am disturbed to discover my neighbors do. Or maybe the problem is that I am reading a website that has open comments. I must remember that open internet comments are almost never the place to find civil discourse. You aren’t my neighbors. You are faceless catfood-for-brains on the internet.
One more website de-bookmarked. More time to read beautiful prose and and brilliant essays. So long suckers!
“Our lives begin to end the day we are silent about things that matter”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
faceless catfood for brains
Lets be observant and honest about our neighborhood make up. No one said that any skin color of a person in this neighborhood is immediate suspicion for crime. One person described 3 men who stole from several businesses. Trying to be uber cool about words is in itself a problem. In order to satisfy a’s concern in my head now all groups of 3 men in our area are immediate suspect of potential harm or theft.
It’s Martin Luther King Jr’s celebration day. What is ‘a’ doing to make the world better? I donated to Goodwill and am sorting materials to donate to a school, might join a trail maintenance group.
Uh, they really did, catfoodforbrains. I need to only scan up a few lines and I find:
“and a group of 3 men who do nto usually move in the area may cause some suspicion.”
“I have lived in upper Wallingford for 5 years now and have never seen 3 black men in their late 20′s walking together in my hood. If I did see it, then you bet your ass I would be suspicious and very observant of them.”
Walking Around in Wallingford While Black.
Sasha and Bryce, do you remember if each/all of them had a skateboard?
There is a meeting at Seattle Bank tomorrow morning 9 am to 10 am for concerned residents and business owners to address safety and security in Wallingford & Fremont.