Thanks to the new voter-approved $122 million Library levy, Seattle Public Library (SPL) has added Sunday hours to every branch, including our little one here in Wallingford. Sunday hours are from 1:00pm – 5:00pm.
Throughout the beginning of 2013, SPL will hold “Sunday Celebrations” at each branch, and Wallingford’s branch will celebrate on Sunday, March 24, from 2:00pm – 3:30 pm with crafts, refreshments, and the chance to participate in the “Check-out Challenge”:
Patrons can get a free Check-Out Sunday Challenge card in a keepsake sleeve at any Library location. To participate, patrons just need to visit any location of The Seattle Public Library on Sunday and get their card stamped. Patrons with 15 stamps can enter a prize drawing. Patrons who attend Sunday Branch Celebrations also receive commemorative stickers for their check-out card sleeve.
SPL now allows patrons to place up to 50 holds to reserve books and materials – twice as many as before. And check out their nifty new Library cards that feature Seattle icons!
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I’m SO excited! While I’m sorry for the staff who now have to cover Sundays, I’ve been wishing for Sunday library hours and sometimes drive to Ballard to get my fix. (Would rather have Fridays back, but Sundays are good too.)
And fifty holds too? This just keeps getting better. 😉 Thanks to voters for approving the levy and to Wallyhood for the great news. xoxo
Yippee for Sunday library hours!
I asked over and over fo rthe Library admin to open sOME of the libraries in our area on Fridays. When I finally got an answer I was todl they decided on this genius idea.. all remain closed on Fridays and open on Sundays. I still think having soem libraries open on different days in our area would be very helpful.
Their feedback sheets ask what programs you and I want. They currently have no plans. I ask everyoen to write down my proposed idea: have some libraries in our area open on Fridays. I will not attend any little ‘happenings’ at the Wallingford one as its too small for much and the Greenlake one has such limited parking.. they have not thought their ideas through well.
The Northgate branch is now open 7 days a week.
What do you know about the truck accident yesterday about 2:00 pm on 50th and Sunnyside that hit a telephone pole and two cars?
dear diane, as was so explained to me… the mods here do not and can not read all posts.. ther eis a space on top right for tips.. hit that and ask there.. it gets their attention. Tho my ?s were not answered.
Forgot to pick up my book on hold at the Wallingford branch yesterday (Saturday).
Thought, well, now I have to wait until Monday… but I don’t! Thank you, Seattle voters!