Inspired by our article about Wallingford’s Little Free Libraries, Spokespeople has put together a tour for biking bibliophiles this Saturday. Cathy writes:
Saturday, January 5 is going to be a great day for a bike ride. We’re going to go on a fun ride this Saturday to discover the Little Free Libraries of Wallingford. We’ll likely explore some poetry corners too as we bike about six miles around this literary neighborhood. You can bring a book or take a book (in a ziplock bag if it is raining)!
Most of our ride will be along greenways (safe healthy streets) proposed by Greenways groups in Wallingford, Green Lake, and Fremont. While it is a short 5-mile ride, there are a few hills that we’ll take slowly. We’ll cancel the ride only in heavy rain, but not in the blustery weather that is predicted for Saturday. We hope you can join us!
Spokespeople Wallingford begins at the south end of Wallingford Playfield at 42nd and Densmore at 2 p.m. PLEASE come 15 minutes early if you are new to riding on the road, new to riding in groups, or if you need any help with adjusting your helmet or bike.
For more information, check out Spokespeople’s Facebook page.
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Feel free to stop by our little free Library-5738 Ashworth Avenue N a southeast corner of Greenlake!
Bike and Read on!
Kimberly et al,
Great to see the notice about the bike tour of Little Free Libraries in Wallingford. It’s a wonderful idea that we’d love to see happening in other communities around the country. We’d love to know how it went and how we can help to make events like it even more fun and interesting as the number of Little Libraries grows.
Todd Bol and I will be at the American Library Association conference January 24-28 and would value the chance to talk with you and others in the Seattle area who are interested. Our ALA hosts, Gaylord Brothers library equipment and supply, are having a reception on Friday evening the 25th and would like to invite Little Library fans. Two new films are also available if Wallingford folks wanted to put together a community event sometime to raise funds for more Libraries.
Please feel free to encourage people to contact us at if they would like more information. I can be reached at 608-345-0750 (cell) any time.
P.S. My nephew Wally will be thrilled to see that someone named a town after him!
I love this idea. Sorry I missed it. PS: check the link to the facebook page.
@Rick – Thanks for the positive feedback! I will try to help you get the word out about that opportunity. And thanks for your work getting LFLs up and going around the world. Such a cool idea!
@Stephen, I fixed the link. The FB page has some fun pictures of the ride!