While we’re bidding our final farewells to all things Subway in Wallingford, Andrew snapped this picture today. Pho Than Bros is moving into the old Subway space on N. 45th at Corliss. The Than Brothers website says they should be open in January.
That’s right, folks, Pho is returning to Wallingford. Further proof that the world will not end tomorrow.
Thanks for the pic and tip, Andrew!
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Yippee! Nothing better than a bowl full of noodles on a rainy day.
I like Than Bros — cheap, good, spicy and local. I’m not a daily Pho guy, but this is a good addition to the neighborhood!
This is very exciting! I’m a big fan of Pho Than Bros. in Ballard. I will be nice to have it nearby.
WOOOO!!!!!!!! WAHOOO!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!
Also, all the noodle soups at Lotus Thai are really good but most are served at lunch only.
This is fantastic! They are not the best pho in town but they are certainly respectable. And they have cream puffs!
There was a Subway in Wallingford? I see it’s right next to Swanson’s Shoe Repair. I’ve been there frequently and never noticed the Subway.
I’m happy to be getting the Than Bros. Pho!
Mmm…. Cream puff.
OMG!!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!!
Oh, be still my beating heart! It’s been way too far to go to get pho anything else Vietnamese! It’s about time!
Not a day has gone by that my kids haven’t lamented Subway’s closing. (I think we were there 3x week, but were apparently the only ones) However, my gluten free self is happy that something I can eat is coming to the ‘hood.
Is Pho gluten-free? How many people around here are in the gluten-free lane these days? And why : )
Totally with JN and Sally on this one! YAY!!!!
Very excited to see that Subway leaving. I’ve never had more sad of a sandwich than I had there. There was no love in their food.
Very excited about Pho Than moving in as well. Can’t get enough pho!
Sad about Subway leaving, but happy about Tranh Bros. Pho coming — no more drives to Ballard or U District locations for our pho!
The one on Capitol Hill is clean and run well, the one in Ballard is frown-filled health violation nightmare. Let’s hope we get good management!
Thank you, Pho gods!!! This is the best news I’ve heard in 2012 🙂
@11 Margaret
I would say most Pho is gluten free. I am gluten free and haven’t had issues with pho. It’s best to ask and make sure there is no soy sauce. I am gluten free because it makes me sick.
I jumped up and down, ran into the UPS store to share my joy (they were awfully flat), called a bunch of neighbors and I’m still on a high. This is the best best thing ever and having tried MANY pho places in Seattle, we’ve determined Than bros has the very best broth (beef broth). Awesomeness.
@15 Reeve, just curious, could I ask where you’re getting your information about the Ballard Pho’s health violations?
The King County Public Health restaurant inspection did show citations in the past, but it appears the situation has been improving and they just had another field inspection in October. (For comparison: Canlis had been cited back in 2011 on a couple of items, but also made the necessary corrections to receive a “satisfactory” rating at the next inspection.)
As to frowning, well, I hear you on that. I don’t like to be frowned at when I order food…
@19 Neighbor: I don’t want to spoil the party with specifics. If you really want to know then email me directly. But great news if they have improved. Don’t get me wrong I’m a huge Pho fan and I’d am 100% behind them succeeding.
Ah, I think I understand now….thanks for the clarification. I appreciate it, and yeah, let’s hope for the best! 🙂