Last month the Wallingford Neighborhood Office (Weaving Wallingford) decided to dissolve. The organization for more than a decade sponsored and provided important services to the neighborhood, including the annual Kiddies Parade, the Home Tour, the Garden Tour, the neighborhood office, the Wallingford E-news, and more. The demise of these events will be a loss to Wallingford.
The Wallingford Community Council is sponsoring an open community discussion regarding the future of these Wallingford events and the role of other community organizations. We encourage everyone to come to the WCC meeting to be held this Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Senior Center room at the Good Shepherd Center, 4649 Sunnyside Ave. North. Representatives of a number of community organizations will be there to discuss our neighborhood’s future. We hope to see you Wednesday.
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I have a strong desire to play an active role in organizing and growing community in Wallingford. I wish I could be there, but unfortunately I work every Wednesday night and it is too late for me to ask for the night off. Will anyone be taking notes?
Ditto to Stephen’s post above, will someone please post a follow up article after Wednesday?
I do nto necessarily think all those vents will have a demoise. I am all for that office closing. Every time I called during thei r’open’ hours I got voicemail. Many of my messages were lost an dit felt like going to war to get something listened to.
This may be a great chance to streamline who does what.. and to have merchants who want certain events to happen to step up and sponsor them instead of letting a few volunteers do so.