Whatchya doing for election night thrills, Wallingford? The Iron Bull let us know they’ll have food and drink specials as well as coverage their 15 (15? F’reals?) TVs.
Needless to say, if you haven’t, you should vote. Yes, yes, Obama is a shoe-in to win Washington State, but there’s so much more going on on the ballot, such as Referendum 74, which, if passed, would legalize same-sex marriage in the state. We would like to take this moment to thank the gay and lesbian community for their tongue-biting restraint in following procedure and promoting the referendum, instead of just shrieking “who gave you the right to vote on who I get to marry?”, as I’m pretty sure I would.
Most recent polls show Referendum 74 with only a narrow lead, so please, please take the time to send in your ballot. I, for one, am looking forward to the look of puzzled amazement on my child’s face later in life when I awkward explain that, yes, when I was growing up, it was actually illegal for certain people to marry other people.
If the rest of the ballot holds some puzzles for you, we use The Stranger’s cheat sheet as a starting point. We don’t always agree with The Stranger, but it’s useful for getting a foothold on the issues, especially with seemingly attractive ideas like the Charter School Initiative (1240) as well as the instinct to just “vote the straight ticket” (they’ve endorsed the, heaven forfend, Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor).
Wallingford’s own DOUG.’s Voter’s Guide is our hometown favorite and there’s also the Progressive Voter’s Guide.
Please let us know where the good election result parties will be. Of course, given the fact Florida’s Republican Governor and Republican Legislature managed to pass a bill that left thousands of Floridians giving up in frustration after attempting to wait in 7-hour long lines to vote, and this has naturally led to legal filings, we may be waiting for the results of this election long past Tuesday night.
(Photo by Donte)
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Thanks for the shout-out, Wallyhood!
“Shoo-in”. A “shoe-in” is another word for “foot”.
– Spelling Police
I am going to hop the I-5 corridor to the U-District and check this show out: http://wingitpresents.com/election/electionnight.html
I use the Stranger’s cheat sheet too… by generally voting the opposite. 😉
I voted yes on 74 of course!!!!!! Should just be a given right.
This is not the first election Florida has screwed up!!!!! Remember the big wait on GorBush! Who was Gov then??????? Jeb Bush. The election wasn’t settled fpr almost a month.
So if by some miniscule chance Obama loses, will people spontaneously combust when they hear the news?
Oh sorry, my kool-aid is wearing off, back to drink more and read the Seattle Times!
Doug, I love your voter’s guide. Thank you!
I agree – great voter’s guide, DOUG.
Thanks, Doug. Your voter’s guide is a bright, humorous and thoughtful contribution to our election scene. Very welcome.
Kimberly, C and abigail: Thanks for reading!
Thank you, Jordan, for your support — and for understanding the restraint with which some of us glbt folks have held our tongues during this highly personal political push.
A friend told me just this morning that her 8 year old nephew happened upon a gay pride parade last summer & asked what was going on. They told him gay people can’t get married. He asked, “who makes up these rules?”
We do!
celebrations- Changes.. well, all men.
Murphys – almost full, no service, get that again.. NO service from 2 women and the guy at the bar.., called manager later, he made an offer.
Moon Temple – did not smell like smoke like it has, not busy, friendly smile
Iron Bull – no one looked concerned, pool playing folks
Cafe Appasionatta- closed
QFC – 2 folks begging outside, the woman as usual had a good play on
Julias – who knows.. I have had such bad service in past I couldnt care. Saw no one passing by.
Sea Monster – nothing on website, answered phone, kind of have plans, no noise in background and nothing on website
Sea-Thai – looked empty
Nectar in Fremont is gonna have a party
Babaku – looks closed
I missed going to Al’s, bet its hopping.
Good wishes all.