Seattle Schools superintendent Jose Banda kindly agreed to answer questions from our corporate world headquarters here at Wallyhood, Inc. [Ed. note: we are not actually “inc“‘ed, but appreciate the literary flourish.] Better still, the answers he gave were typed up for me so I didn’t get a chance to mess up the transcription like I did with Dr. Enfield. Here’s part 1 of the interview, covering lots of stuff but not “school reform”. Let us know in the comments what you think of his responses and what other issues we should cover regarding Wallingford’s schools!
Capacity Question: Schools like Hamilton and John Stanford are running at maximum capacity, and it’s unclear what will happen over the next couple years as smaller upper grades matriculate and larger populations continue to enter the system at lower grades. BEX 4 includes reopening Lincoln as a high school in 2019, while having it “provide needed space until new facilities are completed” until then. Can you clarify what that specifically means for the Hamilton reference area over next couple years? For instance, where should we expect portables to show up, who will be at Lincoln over the next few years, and what changes will there be to reference areas?
Banda: Our enrollment is increasing and projections show an additional 7,000 students over the next decade. We know much of that growth is in the north end and West Seattle. Our goal is to build capacity for new students, and create the flexibility needed to meet future growth. We are analyzing enrollment projections for the short, intermediate and long term, in partnership with the District’s Facilities and Capacity Management Advisory Committee (FACMAC). FACMAC is a volunteer group of community members representing all regions of the city, with diverse specialties and interests in educational programs, special services (special needs) capacity, demographics and urban geography. The recommendations developed will guide the District in determining enrollment growth solutions in all regions. The Seattle School Board will make a final decision on the list of schools and projects to be included in the Building Excellence IV (BEX IV) capital projects levy that will go before voters in February 2013. For updates on our BEX process, please visit
Transportation Question: There are many reports of school buses pulling up to schools mostly empty. Do you know what percentage of school buses are arriving at schools at least 50% full? When can we expect public engagement regarding transportation and start time changes for next year, and in particular the possibility of making elementary school early and high school late?
Banda: We won’t know the official percentage until we file our report with the state later in October, but last year our buses on average were 37 percent full. That is low compared to other districts because we have very specialized transportation needs in Seattle Public Schools. With our option schools, alternative schools and special programs designed to accommodate a variety of student needs, we offer more choices of schools, which means that we are busing students outside of their neighborhood more often than other districts.
We know that transportation and the start and end times for our schools are important issues for many families. That’s why the District last spring convened a task force of state and local technical transportation experts in order to more thoroughly analyze future transportation options and provide for increased community input. The Superintendent’s Transportation Task Force will present its recommendations at a school board meeting in the near future.
The task force recommendations addressed ways the district can save money and how SPS transportation operations can be changed to be more efficient. The task force has also recommended creation of a standing citizens advisory committee. We have heard from families that we should consider starting elementary schools earlier and high schools later. This has major ramifications for high school students, including after-school jobs and athletics, as well as before- and after-school child care for elementary school families. This issue will take considerable time to thoroughly study, and is likely to be one of the first issues addressed by the new citizens’ advisory committee.
Special Education: Management of special education staff is split between principals and the district, with special education teachers reporting to principals, and other specialists, like psychologists and therapists, reporting to the district. This management structure results in teams that lack accountability and cohesion, particularly given that special education at the district level has not had an experienced director for many years. Since special education has largely been returned to a school-based model in the last couple years, why not give principals management oversight of all specialists?
Banda: It would be difficult to assign principals oversight of all specialists because many of them are not assigned to one particular school but instead serve several schools. We employ about 186 special education service providers like School Psychologists, Occupation and Physical Therapists, and Speech-Language Pathologists. They have specialized skills and licenses, and provide evaluations that identify barriers to learning and/or services that directly support students’ educational goals. As in many large districts, these staff members are organized centrally in the Special Education department, are led and supported by team leaders, and are evaluated by supervisors in the Special Education department.
In most districts, providers of “related services” such as occupational therapy and physical therapy or speech language services are not members of a school site staff, but are staffed, supervised and deployed centrally so that services can be directed and targeted where they are most needed. They are often itinerant staff members, serving multiple schools, and are assigned case loads according to student need and school size. Their services are not therapeutic, but work toward a student’s ability to achieve her/his educational goals.
These staff members are often part of an IEP team, particularly if they are conducting and sharing information from evaluations to determine eligibility or need for services.
Athletics: In middle school and high school, players that don’t rank as one of the top few players during tryouts for basketball and other team sports are not allowed to participate in athletics after school. There is no intramural team alternative. This policy discourages anyone who isn’t a great athlete from playing at all, which seems backwards in this age of childhood obesity and increased academic time during the school day. Can you fix this policy and eliminate the athletic-skills based cut off for participating in after school sports like basketball? If space is limited, could staff and slots for intramural play be opened up by charging fees to students who are not on a free or reduced lunch?
Banda: Starting in kindergarten, Seattle Public Schools physical education classes provide students with instruction in both team and individual sports. The goal is to teach students to do the activities well so they will continue to enjoy these sports for a lifetime. In middle school, the tryout system is in place for interscholastic sports that involve a smaller number of participants, such as basketball. For those students who don’t make the team, some schools do offer intramurals before and after school and during lunch, depending on that school’s individual budget, staffing and facilities. Regardless of what may be available at the school, our PE teachers promote community connections for students to continue the activities they enjoy, including rowing, biking, volleyball, basketball and soccer. For example, we have a strong partnership with the City of Seattle Parks and Recreation Department, which offers a competitive basketball program for both boys and girls who do not play on their school teams. We are committed to ensuring that parents are aware of this alternative for those students who are interested in continuing to develop their basketball skills.
The Web Site: Fusion Pages were chosen to replace class pages on The Source, but their implementation is a usability mess that has not improved in the year since rollout. Most teachers don’t seem to use Fusion Pages and stick only to The Source, but occasionally important information is posted on Fusion Pages and it is up to the parent to deal with Fusion Pages. The staff in your IT department relayed that they are frustrated by the poor quality of Fusion Pages but are unable to fix them because they are a hosted service. Might Fusion Pages be shut down in favor of returning to Class Pages on The Source? If not, when and how will you be dealing with the poor quality of Fusion Pages?
Banda: The use of data within class pages has always been dependent upon what teachers have wanted to include, so it varies substantially throughout the District and even within a school. Part of the reasoning for moving class pages to School Fusion is because we will be changing student information systems in the next year. The new products for student information also contain a parent portal, so the Source will be phased out and keeping class pages there did not make sense.
We are currently looking at the new student information systems to see what the functionality for class pages will be and if that is a viable option, but we do not know enough about this yet. We expect to be making determinations within the next two months though. The School Fusion vendor has recently unveiled a new product and that is another option for us to consider. In the meantime, we have had issues with teachers using School Fusion before the school has launched their website, which has caused difficulties, and we are continuing to work with our vendor to try to improve the experience.
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Speaking of school buses – this is the first yr of the 30 some years that I’ve lived on
Meridian, that a school bus tries to negotiate the tight corner of 36th and Meridian,
often going up on the curb of the roundabout and sacrificing the foliage. The driver
actually told the driver of a legally parked car on 36th to not park his car on the corner as he can’t clear when there are cars parked (legally) on both sides of the
street. That translates into MORE cars parking on our overly crowded spots on
Meridian (parking only on one side of the street). I notice that parents actually drive
their kids to the intersection of 36th & Meridian to wait for the bus (and a few walk
them there). My calls to the Superintendent’s office have gone unanswered. Why
can’t the bus pick up on Wallingford Ave (much wider street)?
I was happy to see a special ed question included but confused as to why, of all the issues facing special ed in this district, it was a question about giving principals more power. There are a lot of fabulous principals out there, and I don’t mean any disrespect, but anyone who’s been following SpEd issues in this school district will know that, in some cases, principals can be a big part of the problem (taking funds from special ed and using them for other school expenses, condoning dangerous seclusion-and-restraint practices, discrimintation/behavior bias).
Why not ask about why we still don’t have a director of special ed after more than a year?
Or what Banda thinks of Director DeBell’s assertion that we spend too much money on special ed and ought to bring that figure down to match what smaller school districts spend on it? Does Banda agree? Where are those cuts going to come from?
Maria: Did you try contacting the transportation department SPS? If you don’t hear from them in 24 business hours, try emailing the superintendent. Let us know how it goes!
Floor Pie: Banda has said in other interviews that he’s in the process of hiring a director so I didn’t want to retread that. The question was motivated by incidents of specialists being unmanaged and going off the rails because of it. As district management continually churns it may make more sense for specialists to be managed at the school level where there is accountability to the school community. Principal quality varies, but overall they are at least connected to the place where services are provided, and they should know all about the troubled kids.
“… district management continually churns …”? Any idea why?
Some ideas: It’s tough managing a large urban school district, there’s a lot of pressure and second guessing from all sides, SPS has an unstable revenue stream, and the superintendent has switched every couple years.
Eric, I haven’t heard of any particular incidents in which specialists went off the rails, though I’m sure it happens. But remember the specialist at Lowell who tried to report a questionable incident, which the principal at the time buried and then had the specialist fired to cover himself?
Principals should know all about the troubled kids, and for the most part they do. Whether they approach those kids and their families with empathy and respect, however, is another matter entirely. Many do. Some…not so much.
This is a pretty small school district enrollment-wise (compared to, say, Los Angeles, CA).
Question: In theory, does the Seattle School District report to the Mayor’s Office? Who is in charge of the Superintendent , the elected School Board, all the hired district staff and local school staff from janitors to the Facilities (existing and future buildings) department?
When we vote for funding where does it go?
Follow up: Banda will be at Hamilton tonight from 6 PM to 7:30 PM. The plan is that “He will share his vision for the school district, followed by informal conversation.”
Floor Pie: I guess the point is that specialists need to be managed by somebody. I’d rather they were managed by somebody that’s partially accountable to and connected to the school community.
Margaret: My understanding is that the superintendent is hired and managed by the school board, and then everybody in the district is either contracted by or works for the superintendent. The mayor is not involved.
@8, Eric:
I agree and it reminds me of a small-v Vatican. Stand alone, answers to itself (or an invisible power). Always a new person at the helm . . . one charismatic (or not) leader after another. How corrupt departments at the district have historically been able to fly under the radar.
Is there any energy to redesign this organization?
There’s tons of energy out there and a lot of great schools in the system. Just see if you want to see obsessive community energy at work…
Hi Eric
Regarding the BEX IV plans for Lincoln, it seems insane for the School District to continue to ignore the glaring flaw in the high school network created when they sold off the high school that served Queen Anne/Magnolia. Many activists feel that the continued piecemeal approach of applying patches rather than digging in and properly addressing the problem shows that little has changed in the planning department. The District needs a high school at Interbay, or other location central to QA/Magnolia, not at Lincoln.
Some of us were told in meetings with District folks during the redesign of Hamilton in 2008 (formerly planned for Lincoln since 1996) that the Hamilton building was destined to be a K-8 program and that the Hamilton program would ultimately move to the more spacious Lincoln campus after a brief residence in the remodeled Hamilton building.
It makes zero sense to make the Lincoln campus into a permanent high school. The things you can do without on an interim basis (no athletic field, lack of parking, lack of classroom space, etc) do not serve a high school program well on a permanent basis. The campus is small by District standards for use as even a middle school, let alone as a high school. As noted in community reports dating back to 1996, the Lincoln campus is ideal for a middle school because the north parking lot can accommodate an all-weather athletic field and still have sufficient parking on site for a middle school staff (middle school students do not drive!).
There is still time to fix the lack of a high school for QA/Magnolia and address the substandard size of the Hamilton campus to accommodate a middle school program (the Hamilton site is smaller than the MLK site, which was closed and sold partly because it was deemed too small for an elementary program).
It made a lot of sense when we were told during design of the plan to make the Hamilton campus a K-8 and move Hamilton to Lincoln (which was the original recommendation after 10 years of studies and reports) to create a realistic middle school campus complete with a full-size performing arts space and athletic field.
The new north end high school should be located to properly serve the QA/Magnolia neighborhoods (why contradict transportation plans by recommitting to busing students to Lincoln?). Bite the bullet and fix the error that was made when QA High School was sold to Lorig 20 years ago. Stop the endless patches and plan for the future.
Greg- I was not involved in the discussions that led to the BEX 4 plan. Have you been? All I know is what’s been published about it and that’s at the link given in the Q&A. Given capacity issues in the north end, I expect the overriding concern is finding the most cost effective way to pack in as many kids as possible as quickly as possible…
@GregF – very interesting points. I had never thought them through previously, but your observations make sense.
Seattle School District seems really good at forming task forces… but not good in terms of looking ahead. When all those schools were closed several years ago, parents of preschoolers looked at that burgeoning population and wondered: “Where will all these kids go to school, if my neighborhood school is closing?” Now, the district is left with a shortage of space, schools that are jammed with kids, and some areas of town that are left with no high school choice (QA/Magnolia).
The tightening of “boundaries” is another issue and seems to have re-segregated our schools. I realize that Mr. Banda can only start with what he’s got to work with now, but past decisions have been bad ones. His vision for the future seems to be a vision of task-forces….
Last: as a Roosevelt High School parent dealing with the horrible, horrible (con)Fusion site after three years of having the Source and the school’s own website work perfectly well, I am frustrated, as I know the teachers are. User experience on Fusion is awful. Teachers report they don’t understand how to use it, or are “just learning.” Fusion didn’t go up at RHS until after the school year started and it is clear the transition is not yet complete. The planned elimination of the Source will make things even worse. The district has taken a giant step backwards in contracting with the Fusion vendor. What is the reasoning behind this decision?
Regarding Lincoln-as-high-school, the issue will be taken up by the school board tonight from 5:45-7:15 p.m. See the superintendent’s message here:
Mr Wallyhood,
I am impressed with the questions you presented Mr Banda. WOW. You have done your homework. Thanks!