If you see a group of people sprinting up the street, a map in hand, you may say to yourself: “what is a map?”
Ah yes, gather the young ones around and we shall tell tale of the way things once were, in a time before GPS, when people found their route with a paper-based contraption known as a “map”.
Need to zoom in on an area? Just double-tap and say “here, I’m talking about here”. The reader only need lean in and squint to double or triple the magnification. Simple, finger-based navigation is used to trace the shortest route from here to there.
So go ahead, get all steampunk and try one of these artifacts out this Wednesday, September 12th starting at 6:00 pm for the anniversary ‘Hood Hunt. Patrick writes:
It’s been another year of ‘Hood Hunts (not as many in 2011, though), and that means it’s time for our annual anniversary event in the Wallingford neighborhood.
This year, we’ll be in the Meridian/Tangletown region of Wallingford. 29 checkpoints shown on a historic 100-year old map of Seattle.
As usual, the event is FREE to everyone, and we’re heading to Elysian Tangletown afterward.
Full details at the ‘Hood Hunt web site.
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Great writeup!
Usually our ‘Hood Hunt basemaps are either from GIS datasets from the city or from Google Earth. But using the 1912 Baist Atlas seemed too good to pass up, since it’s the “anniversary” ‘Hood Hunt, and since you can still correctly navigate by it. I used it to scout the checkpoints, and aside from a few street name changes, everything was ok.
We do have a high tech option of playing, too. If you’ve got an iPhone and the Maplets app, you can play with the same maps everyone else is using, but with a glowing blue dot showing your exact location on it. Details are on the website.
That said, 95% of the people will be there with the “steampunk” printed maps on paper!
See you tomorrow!