This year, B.F. Day’s boundaries reach further into Wallingford, adding many new families from the neighborhood. Here are some events happening next week to introduce new families to the school. From B.F. Day’s new principal, Katie Pearl:
New Family Welcome Potluck (Aug. 30th 5:30-7:00 p.m.) – You should receive a flyer in the mail with the details of this event if your child is new to our school. Come and meet B.F. Day families, teachers and the principal for an informal program and tour. Main dishes and drinks provided. Please bring items by child’s last name.
- A-L [side dish or salad]
- M-Z [dessert]
Playground Open House (Aug. 30th 6:30-8:00 p.m) Make your way outside and learn about our Playground Project. Our PTSA has led the Fremont community in raising funds to construct a beautiful playground aiming to support every child in their growth and development. Landscape architects will be here to present construction options. We want this playground to be a beacon of the community and we need your voice so that it is a reflection of all of our community members.
YOUR AMAZING CHILDREN START SCHOOL! (September 5th 8:55 a.m.) Children may come to breakfast and/or the playground as early as 8:40. Supervision in the lunchroom and on our playground begins at 8:40. Please stay with your child if you arrive at school before 8:40.
First Day Coffee in our library (September 5th 8:55 a.m.) Let the teachers and students get started in their classrooms and you are invited to come meet other parents and enjoy morning coffee, etc.
Also, mark your calendars for Quiz Night for Day, a trivia contest that helps raise money for B.F. Day’s science and arts enrichment programs. The trivia night will be held on Tuesday, September 11, at Pecado Bueno in Fremont (4307 Fremont Avenue N.), from 6-10pm. The inaugural Quiz Night for Day was packed with people from all over the community, including folks who didn’t have children enrolled at B.F. Day. Here are some details:
Teams of four people (must register!) gather at Pecado Bueno in upper Fremont for an evening of tacos, tequila and trivia. Dinner will be served to all participants, but the bar tab is up to you.
Entry for this event is $25 per person. 100% of the proceeds will go towards education enrichment in Fremont’s community.
Please register your teams at