What’s better than a wading pool on a hot summer day? If you’re under the age of 10, it’s probably a bounce house with ice cream next to a wading pool on a hot summer day.
Ask.com is continuing to shower favors on dear little Wallingford and our wading pool. Earlier this year, they donated money to keep the wading pool open on Saturdays, and tomorrow, they’ll be throwing a free party at said wading pool from noon to 3 pm. Jenny Davis from their PR agency writes:
As promised, Ask is wrapping up its “You Asked, We Answered” campaign in a big way and has donated the funds to keep several wading pools open – East Queen Anne, Powell Barnett and your local Wallingford pool – that were impacted by budget cuts.
To show Seattle even more love, Ask is throwing a surprise party for residents this Thursday at the Wallingford location. There will be a bounce house for kids and free ice cream from Whidbey Island, all courtesy of Ask. The event will take place from noon to 3 PM on the 12th and we’d love it if you’d let your readers know the update so they can come by.
(Photo by Cathy Stanley-Erickson)
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What an amazing idea and terrible timing! Everyone knows 12-3 is nap time for kids young enough to appreciate this.
I didn’t know nap time was from 12-3! I really didn’t know nap time was three hours long! Then who are all the kids at the pool from 12-3. Sorry to hear your kids will miss it. All I can say is, thank you! What a super, kind gesture!
Vanessa, just say thank you.
What a genourous gift to our neighborhood! Thank you ask.com!!
Yay! We’ll be there!
Vanessa: be grateful your kid naps.
This is the only community I know of where people will complain about absolutely free ice cream for their kids. The ingratitude of people here sickens me sometimes.
Easy, easy, please. As a parent of a child with who naps, and who has been frustrated by the many events and invitations that we’ve had to skip because those were placed during his nap, I can sympathize. You’re left feeling like nobody gets it and you’re all alone.
You’re seeing the feelings of a frustrated mother. No need to be sickened. Yes, it could have been phrased better, but then Michael’s last sentence was harsh and could have been phrased better, too.
I actually don’t think it’s a matter of phrasing in either case. Vanessa clearly said what she thinks and so did I. There is a vocal minority of posters on this board who seem to only be able to see things through a selfish and entitled lens, and complaining about free ice cream because it isn’t supplied at the exact time they want is just an egregious example of it.
Just some examples I can remember off the top of my head: opposing library funding because the library supplies services other people need instead of the services you want, asking how to prevent use of the public playground by children of a different age than your own, complaints about any new shop not being the exact kind of business (probably non-viable) you wanted. It’s shameful.
Michael, I couldn’t agree more.
I agree with Michael. I also don’t find saying, “the ingratitude of people here sickens me.” as harsh. He didn’t say, “Vanessa, you sicken me.”
Opinion statements are not harsh just because you don’t agree with them.
Having to Obie by a schedule is a normal part of life. We all have obligations that take us away from opportunities. Naps are no different from jobs (well, really, they are), and some won’t get ice cream for that reason or many others. This self obsorbtion of feeling “alone” or not considered in this instance is insane. Please people, look at the big picture and be happy for those who can enjoy an ice cream from ask.com. How lovely! Maybe next time you are a lucky recipient!
I don’t know, if you were sitting next to me in my living room, and I said something that you disagreed with, and you said it “sickens” you, I’d say that was harsh and there would be a politer way to say it. I know it’s the nature of the Internet, but still it would be nice if Wallyhood comments were nicer than YouTube comments.
I’ve critiqued people’s comments/attitudes on this site occasionally, and I’ll agree with Wallyhood that we can all work at it better. At the very least, own up to your opinions. To this point, only one person complained, and then there’s a comment that “the ingratitude of people here sickens me”. *Of course* you were calling her out; it’s not worth pretending otherwise. And yeah, a minor complaint about ice cream “sickening you” is an example of internet hyperbole at its finest.
Back to the matter at hand – yes, many kids nap early to mid-afternoon. There are also many kids at daycare/preschool during those times because their parents work & they won’t be able to benefit from this, either. Unfortunately, we live in a city with a lot of people & many are going to get inconvenienced by event scheduling. It’s not necessarily selfish or entitled, but as Wallyhood points out, sometimes just legitimate frustration about missing out on an otherwise great opportunity. Nothing can be done about it, but there’s nothing wrong about expressing it.
The phrase “bounce house with ice cream” conjures up frightening images.
At least there was water nearby.
Oh hi adoring fans, Vanessa here. Hilariously, my off-the-cuff comment seems to have people out for blood. Guys, I teach two-year-olds in the neighborhood. Possibly your kids. I want to get these kids to as many of these AWESOME community events as possible. We’re really lucky in this area. I was simply saddened that my kids had to skip it, due to the fact that whoever planned it clearly has never met a child under 5. You are all far more entitled than I, based purely on demographics. Your welcome for raising your kids, BTW.