This is the last week before summer vacation for Seattle Public Schools. Here’s a look at some of the things happening at our neighborhood’s schools:
B.F. Day:
B.F. Day is hosting a Kindergarten Orientation on Tuesday, June 19, from 6:30-7:30PM, beginning in the library (3921 Linden Avenue N.). Families with incoming Kindergartners this fall are welcome to come and meet the Kindergarten teachers and get a look inside the classrooms. It’s also a great night to meet fellow parents!
By the way, last week the entire student body at B.F. Day bid farewell to outgoing Principal Susan McCloskey with a flash mob performance of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin'”. It was the cutest thing I’ll tell ya, and if I wasn’t so worried about children’s safety on the Internets, I would have posted the video; but you’re just going to have to take my word for it.
John Stanford International School:
Assistant Principal Bruce Rhodes is reaching out to all JSIS Dads to launch “Watch D.O.G.S.” (Dads of Great Students) “to provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important,” and “to provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying.” Click here for full details. If you’re a JSIS father, grandfather, uncle, or other father figure, and are interested in participating, contact Bruce at [email protected] by June 22, 2012.
Hamilton International Middle School:
As a part of the 2012 Seattle Science Festival, students in Darrel Tanaka’s 7th grade Science class went to the Hutchinson Center where they participated in various lab activities, including spooling strawberry DNA (pictured right). Students learned about how model organisms such as worms are used throughout scientific research as a proxy to study questions that are important to human health and disease. They also learned about the principles of meiosis (cell division) and genetic transfer of inherited traits from parents to offspring, as well as the properties and functions of DNA.
Fall Enrollment
If you have a child entering the Seattle Public Schools district this fall, and you’ve enrolled your child in a school other than your attendance area school, and have been put on a waiting list, here’s a handy tool to look up the enrollment status, called the Student Assignment Status/Waiting List Status. You will need to enter your child’s Student ID number and birth date. The SPS Waiting List is updated every Friday afternoon.
This link will take you to the most current Waitlist information, broken down by school. As of Friday, June 15, here are the current waitlists for the schools that serve the Wallingford neighborhood:
B.F. Day:
4 for Kindergarten (General Ed)
1 for 1st grade (General Ed)
2 for 3rd grade (Spectrum)
1 for 4th grade (General Ed)
Hamilton International Middle School:
21 for 6th grade (General Ed)
1 for 6th grade (APP)
21 for 6th grade (Spectrum)
9 for 7th grade (General Ed)
4 for 7th grade (Spectrum)
2 for 8th grade (General Ed)
1 for 8th grade (Spectrum)
John Stanford International School (All General Ed. and note “General Ed” is immersion):
41 for Kindergarten
9 for 1st grade
4 for 2nd grade
2 for 3rd grade
3 for 4th grade
1 for 5th grade
McDonald Elementary (All General Ed. and note “General Ed” is immersion):
32 for Kindergarten
4 for 1st grade
1 for 2nd grade
2 for 3rd grade
Roosevelt High School (All General Ed. except where noted):
65 for 9th grade
2 for 9th grade (SM2)
1 for 10th grade (SM4)
3 for 12th grade
Salmon Bay K-8 (All General Education):
55 for Kindergarten
14 for 1st grade
14 for 2nd grade
9 for 3rd grade
15 for 4th grade
9 for 5th grade
63 for 6th grade
4 for 7th grade
1 for 8th grade
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Thanks for compiling that list, Margaret! I know at least some of the wait-listed K’s at B.F. Day are younger siblings of students who were admitted before the neighborhood student assignment plan went into effect. Encouraging to see it’s a short list…hopefully they’ll get in after all.
Those high kindergarten waitlist numbers.. I am a bit confused.. are these all kids who are already placed and whose parents want them to be in JSIS and McDonald and Salmon Bay? or are these all kindergarten kids who are not yet placed? its a high number of young children without a school assignment.
If they’re on a waiting list, then they’re in the system and have been assigned a spot somewhere, most likely at their neighborhood schools. If they entered a different school than their neighborhood school for their first choice, then they go on a waiting list for the first choice school. (Isn’t this fun?)
so the 73 kids for JSIS and McDonald are assigned to another site?
Yes, and they will probably NOT get into these schools, as they are chock full of neighborhood kids. Siblings occasionally get in, but with JSIS at 2 full kindergarten classrooms and McDonald at 4….chances are slim.
Keep in mind that students on the wait lists for JSIS and McDonald might not live in the attendance areas; their parents may have just put is as a first choice as a longshot.
HI Margret,
Can you include APP Lincoln going forward since we will be at the Lincoln building another 2 years and most likely until 2017 since we don’t have a building to go to. SPS might put us in the Wilson Pacific building according to BEX IV. Yesterday SPS finally split Lowell@Lincoln into 2 separate schools. We are now officially APP Lincoln. See below for the announcement from SPS.