Tomorrow, Saturday from noon to 6 pm the annual tempest of tubas, conclave of clarinets, accord of accordians will be packing Gas Works Park: Honk Fest West!
Every year, street bands playing gypsy jazz, klezmer, and just plain old stompin’ clash-bang music fly and drive from all over North America to pound and stomp tunes here in Seattle. Friday night they’ll be down in Georgetown, Saturday here in Wallingford and Sunday at the EMP and Seattle Center.
Yes, it’s supposed to be a bit cloudy, but when has that stopped Seattle from having a good time? Come on down, bring your kids, bring a picnic, join the fun. And, if we may be so presumptuous as to offer some advice (it certainly wouldn’t be the first time): you’ll have even more fun if you come as a participant, not just a tourist. Sure, come on down and listen to the music. But, bring an instrument, bring a kite, bring a frisbee, bring stilts, bring a ball, and you’re guaranteed to double your pleasure.
Here’s some local heros, Titanium Sporkestra, performing previously at Gas Works, just to whet your appetite:
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I have always wished for an ensemble along these lines for the Wallingford Seafair Kiddie’s Parade: everyone shows up with any and all instruments and the assembled group plays something in the People’s Key of G like You Are My Sunshine. I have time to bring my fiddle but not to organize. I think it would be hilarious and fun fun fun. The parade this year in on Saturday, July 7 (according to the web site).
Start small, work up to the Kiddie’s Parade. Some years we have gone around the block with a small local impromptu band, to start off the neighborhood block party.
For those who may have been at last year’s Gasworks Honkfest show … I’m optimistic that this year, there will be more good stuff.
Some of the honkers scheduled to perform are friends of, and played with, the two musicians who were murdered at Cafe Racer on Wednesday. Head down, pay tribute.