Hey readers, want be writers?
We sometimes get asked why we cover this or that, and don’t cover something else on Wallyhood. Well, want to know Wallyhood’s dirty little secret? This blog is nobody’s full-time job. Yep, writing this blog and keeping up with the news around Wallingford is not the full-time occupation of Margaret, me (Jordan) or anyone else who’s writing you see here. It’s something more than a hobby, much less than a job, and definitely a labor of love. We do it because we think keeping the community engaged and informed about who our neighbors are, what they’re doing and what important events are going on around us is aWorthy Goal, fighting the good fight.
So do you have something you think your neighbors should hear about? There are two great ways to get the word out through Wallyhood:
- Write a article and send it to us! Did you see Greg Flood’s article earlier this week about the Wallingford wading pool? It’s something he was passionate about, so he shared what he knew. How about Lisa de Alva’s article about the issues she and her neighbors are facing due to the sale of cheap alcohol at the 7-Eleven and the 50th Street Market? Same thing! Do you have something on your mind? Type something up and send it in, we’d be happy to share it with your neighbors.
- Don’t feel like you’ve got the chops to write something up yourself. Feel free to send us a “tip” to [email protected]. Remember, the more information you provide, the more likely it is we’ll be able to pull together a story. Bonus points for photos!
Don’t be shy, now!
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