Here’s a recap of things happening in our neighborhood schools:
B.F. Day is holding a clothing drive
- What? A clothing drive. Clear out your closets of unwanted clothing of all ages, coats, linens, towels, shoes, scarves, handbags, etc.
- Who? Northwest Center, the non-profit organization dedicated to helping adults and children with disabilities, and B.F. Day families. But this event is not limited to just us. ANYONE can donate, ANYONE can participate.
- Where? Right at our school (3921 Linden Avenue N.) Northwest Center will provide barrels to be placed around the school and will pick up items throughout the week as barrels fill up.
- How? Northwest Center will take our donations and re-sell them to support their programs. In turn, we receive 10 cents/pound of clothing. For a visual, a big lawn trash bag is about 30 pounds of clothes.
- When? There are two weeks that the barrels will be present at our school. The first is April 9th-13th, the second is April 23rd-27th.
- Why? There are so many reasons. To help you de-clutter your home. To support the mission of Northwest Center. To bring the B.F. Day Playground Project one step closer to becoming a reality. To pass on unneeded items in your household to a new home where they are needed, just to name a few. So gather those items and tell your neighbors, this great opportunity benefits everyone and anyone who participates. Thank you! Any questions? Our email is [email protected].
Lowell at Lincoln’s Move-a-Thon needs local business sponsors
Need a little low-budget advertising for your business or your employer? The 2012 Lowell@Lincoln Move-a-Thon spirit and fundraising event t-shirts are about to go to press! For $125, your business’ name can be included on the back, for $250, you get to also include a medium-sized logo, and for $500, a large logo for maximum visibility! You can sponsor online by clicking here, or download the sponsorship form here, fill it out and mail in with a check.
With 450 kids and over 100 faculty, staff and parent volunteers wearing these t-shirts around town for years, it’s also a great way to give back by supporting a healthy way for kids to raise pledges for our school, and promote Lowell@Lincoln school spirit and unity. Deadline for t-shirts sponsorship is April 15th – we want to make space to promote your business! Sponsor online here, or download and mail in your form before April 15th! Can’t sponsor the t-shirts but would like your business to support the Move-a-Thon by contributing a raffle prize or event-day bag stuffer? Email us!
John Stanford International School is holding a library fundaiser
John Stanford International entered in the Cartridge World online competition. The school with the most number of votes will win $15,000 (and two other schools will be selected randomly). If you have 30 seconds and are willing to enter your name & email, vote for our school at: Enter name & email, state, city, etc.. Vote for JSIS. The contest ends March 31, 2012
JSIS and McDonald Elementary need to raise funds for language immersion
Both JSIS and McDonald Elementary have launched their Immersion Support Fund Drive to raise funds for Language Immersion Assistants. According to both schools, the Immersion Assistants are integral to the success of the language immersion programs, yet they aren’t funded by the district. The appeal for McDonald Elementary is here, and the appeal for JSIS is here. If you’ve got a little one entering either school in the fall, you might want to consider donating to the program. JSIS needs $250,000 (which works out to $543 per student). McDonald Elementary needs $300,000 (which works out to $1,000 per student).
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Remember, with the School Board’s recent action, very few kids will be entering JSIS this fall unless they are a sibling of one already there. The enrollment zone for JSIS is now the smallest in the city and the great majority of Wallingford now falls in the B.F. Day zone. It is true that for this year only, kids who might have gone to JSIS in year’s past can opt to go to McDonald, which will also offer language immersion.
The point being, we should support the Wallingford schools, which for most of us are now B.F. Day and McDonald.
This is also another opportunity to ask you to write to Sherry Carr, our school board representative ([email protected]), to ask her to return JSIS as the Wallingford neighborhood school. Thanks!