Good new folks! Remember back in November, when Changes Bar and Grill started getting noise complaints and seemed at risk of being shut down? Joey Donato of Changes let us know that’s been resolved:
We appreciate running the story about our noise complaint issues. We received over 3000 unique visitors to our website over that single week and 1,335 people have signed our petition to keep Changes in the local community. We have not had a single noise complaint since the petition went viral and the story was picked up by you and the local news.
Thanks, Wallingford. In other Changes news, they’re celebrating their 23rd anniversary this weekend:
Changes is celebrating 23 years serving Wallingford as Wallingford’s only gay bar. To celebrate we are having two events.
On Saturday the 28th of January, The Changes local volleyball team “The Cocktails” is doing a Spaghetti Feed and Floyd’s Birthday starting at 7pm. For 10$ your get a heaping plate of Spaghetti with Seth’s Special Slow cooked sauce, a salad, garlic bread and a dessert! All proceeds will go to help The Cocktails volleyball team get new uniforms and pay for dues. In addition to the feed, the owner of Changes Floyd will be celebrating his birthday later that night. His age is a mystery to us all.
On Sunday the 29th of January, is The Changes 23rd Anniversary Party all night. There is going to be Karaoke by Black Nail Productions, free prizes and give-aways, and drink specials.
Sounds noisy.
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invite neighbors……
isn’t that what they just did?
yes, that is what they did. They invited us. Glad the issues are resolved.