Tomorrow (Sunday, October 23), the Wallingford Community Senior Center (WCSC) is hosting a pancake breakfast from 9am – 12pm. Admission is $5.00 for adults, $2.50 for children. Proceeds benefit the WCSC, and the pancakes are dee-lish so come hungry.…
Free Trees: Last Call
Norah Kates of the Cascade Land Conservancy reminded us that the City of Seattle is giving away free trees to any Seattle resident who would like to plant them in their home. Wallingford could always use a few more trees, so here’s the deets. Deadline to apply is Monday, so get on the stick!
Free Single Trees Seeking Tree-Loving Homes
Free trees are waiting for you! Do you have an empty space in your yard where a beautiful tree could thrive? Are you someone who appreciates trees? Do you like the way their leaves and needles flutter in the wind? …
Wallybits: Seattle Public Schools edition
Here’s some news we’ve accumulated regarding our neighborhood’s public schools:
Hamilton earns “Schools of Distinction” honor
Hamilton International Middle School was one of five schools named “2011 Schools of Distinction.” The schools are chosen for outstanding academic improvements in math and reading and have been ranked in the top 5% of highest-improving schools in the state. This is the second year in a row that Hamilton earned this distinction.
Early Kindergarten enrollment for fall 2012, in-person Monday, Oct. 24
If you’ve got a little one who’s turning 5 on or before August 31, 2012, guess what? It’s time to think …
Holiday Cheers to Wallingford
I know what you’re thinking: “Holidays? Already? Really?” Well, honestly, it’s not too far off and now’s the time to start filling up the calendar with parties to celebrate the season. Be sure to include “Holiday Cheers to Wallingford” which is coming to Wine World on Tuesday, November 15, from 6-9pm. Wallingford businesses will fill the event room, showing off their wares, giving away some goodies and generally having some festive get-to-know-you times. Tickets are $25 per person, and you can register online here. We heard the inaugural “Cheers to Wallingford” held in April was a big success, infused with…
Brooks Sports will move to Wallingford
Brooks Sports, a manufacturer of running shoes, apparel and gear announced today that it will move its global headquarters from Bothell to the new Skanska development at 3400 Stone Way. According to the press release:
With a move-in date slated for late 2013, Brooks Sports, Inc.—parent company to Brooks and Moving Comfort—will occupy roughly 80,000 usable square feet of the 120,000-square-foot building, which is located across the street from Seattle’s popular Burke-Gilman Trail. The ground floor of the new Brooks headquarters building will also house the brands’ first ever retail concept shop.
‘We have an incredible opportunity to create a …
Save Some Cash With Your Trash
The Green Recycling Challenge is up and running with its new website:
Starting in mid-November, the data graph will be updated each month and we’ll be able to see how our ‘hood is doing at reducing its landfill footprint.
In the middle of the web site above, use the “Click Here” link to find Wallingford in the Friday North area on the Seattle route map. Friday refers to the day that garbage, recycling, and yard waste are picked up. Wallingford is in the North Seattle route for that day.
Now – how you can help win that $50,000, with …
Wally Pets costume contest
Wally Pets announces their 1st Annual Costume Masquerade! Dress your pet in costume and swing by Wally Pets from October 28-31 for a chance to win Best Dressed pet!
Wouldn’t that be cool? Your pooch winning Best Dressed? Imagine how your neighbors will smile through clenched teeth, how they’ll demonstrate petty jealousy as you and your winning weiner (dog) stroll past. But it’s not just about the title. There are real stakes involved here: the winner will receive a free 15 lb bag of their favorite pet food. Sweet!
Or, as the winner is likely to exclaim, “MEATY!”
Wally Pets …