With the elections behind us, and the news that all state-run liquor stores will be gone by June 1, I’m curious to see who or what will occupy the space on N. 45th; and reading some of the posts in the Forums, I know I’m not alone in my curiosity.
So, I’d like to take a pulse check here as the basis for a good weekend discussion. In the Forums, readers Lauren suggested a BevMo; E 30 Memorial wrote: COSTCO; and Jen suggested a Metropolitan Market.
Jump-in and let us know what you think in the comments section.
Thanks, Frankie, for sparking the discussion in the Forums!
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We need an Ethiopian restaurant. Whoever starts one on the north side will have a gold mine.
Video store.
Community center!
A smaller market/grocery that combines elements of Marketime and Trader Joe’s would be cool (maybe a smaller version of the Melrose Market?).
I also like the garden store idea folks mentioned on the forum and a bagel place would be great.
Trader Joe’s!
a gym!!!!
I think the deal is the license to operate a less-than-10,000-sq-ft liquor store in that location will be auctioned off, so chances are it’ll continue to be a liquor store.
Hopefully most of the staff will continue to be employed there, and they’ll continue to have a decent selection of local and obscure liquors, but at better prices.
I would like to see the liquor store replaced with…a liquor store!
I’ll go with liquor store, though I suspect Wine World will be getting into that action too.
a hair cut place,, of course
or ho w about low cost yet good quality clothing
does anyone know what the rent is on that location?
Yeah, a hair place! That also offers frozen yogurt, and sushi, and … lessee… some natural healing. Yeah, that’s the business Wallingford wants.
I’d like to see a coffee shop that sells socks and whimsical gifts.
A better liquor store
Well I’m tired of having to go to Fremont or Capitol Hill or Whole Paycheck for healthy food & would love to see a local shop so I’m with Dennis. But I know I’m a dreamer.
A reasonable vegetarian/vegan restaurant where neighbors can hang out, or a Trader Joe’s.
A drug and alcohol treatment clinic seems appropriate. Drink local, get clean local.
How about an awesome deli?
FIRST, building needs a COMPLETELY less governmental look whatever it may be. Since PCC is going into the green lake hole, not likely. WFoods and TJ’s is too close. I think a market will have a hard time making it here (despite how much WE would frequent it, it might not be enough). I vote for a completely new concept that resonates with Wallyhood. Maybe its like Laurelhurst Market in Portland. http://www.laurelhurstmarket.com/
homeless shelter
how about a library with BOOKS?
I can’t remember what was there before the video store? The building seems weirdly ill suited to either video or liquor sales. All that glass along the street more or less goes to waste. Why build a tall, spacious interior with lots of natural light, to sell videos?
Of the ideas mentioned:
Ethiopian restaurant, community center (not likely to happen, and Lincoln is still standing empty) larger library (again, requires city finds, so not likely.) Would love to have a library like Greenwood. A gym, several have gone out of business lately and the space is large enough.
Space is pretty big for an Ethiopian restaurant but I think that is a great idea.
No liquor store, we will be flooded with liquor at the grocery and drug stores.
I would love a clean, modern indoor shooting range.
a 24 hour carnival game site
A place for RVs to dump their sewage
Dr. Ofgnillaw–
Best idea yet!
first floor carnival game site
second homeless shelter
third library
fourth a plethora of hair cutting salons
fifth a gym
sixth indoor shooting range
seventh mor e haircutting and a yogurt spa
eigthth wallingford chamber of whatever- no elevator
ninth senior center
tenth Dicks Upstairs version
eleventh nail spas
twelfth not enough parking
thirteenth -fifteenth residences
no problem they can just get a variance.. it brings money an dwork into the community an dpeople can park in the neighborhoods
A classic video game arcade like ground Kontrol in portland.
A BECU branch. I just opened an account as part of the 11/5 event and would love a facility that’s a little easier to walk to than the U District.
It might stay a liquor store…
@J.P. – They may not have told you about the Credit Union network machines. You can use the ATMs for free (and make deposits) at the 7-11 at 1st NE and 50th and the Verity CU over on Stone.
It’s too small for a market, too big for most restaurants. That leaves a gym or martial Arts place, or (MY FAVORITE!) a BECU branch! One where you can talk to a person, not just a cash machine. Actually, it is just the right size for a quilting store like In The Beginning used to be.
A traditional party/crafting supply store for the masses (a mini version of Display & Costume/Joanne Fabrics) without the kitsch since Archee McPhee’s has that covered
How about a nice Albertsons or Safeway. We only have one grocery store.