After shutting down for 11 days, SHARE announced on Friday, October 21 that its 15 indoor shelter network would reopen. From SHARE:
We are happy to announce that our community of 300+ homeless men and women…will be going back to sleep inside their shelters tonight.
We are reopening because the $44,000 that the National FEMA Board had cut from our yearly budget was restored. We are reopening because the SHARE Shelter Board had a fabulously successful Auction last Sunday night, that resulted in a $25,000 check delivered yesterday to SHARE.
Also yesterday, the City of Seattle agreed to reimburse SHARE for all costs contractually incurred already in this month, on Monday October 24th. (Usually we only get reimbursed once, a month, around the 7th.) That should keep us going until the FEMA check arrives.
All SHARE shelters, including the shelter at Gift of Grace are now open.
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Now, that is my Wallingford !!! I am so happy for the church and for the people that need it.
As I said when the news came that the shelter was closing, the church had kept every promise about how the shelter would work. I live a block away and I’m glad that they will be able to continue their services as the weather gets worse.
This is wonderful news! Especially as the days grow colder. Thank you, Gift of Grace and SHARE.
Yeah, how wonderful. Except that SHARE and GoG told the neighborhood (after the deal was done and without any prior meetings) that the shelter would be there only for one year.
Furthermore, last year pastor Jami made the laughable claim that they didn’t think people in the neighborhood would be concerned about the shelter, regardless of the fact that SHARE refuses to adequately screen their clients for sex offenses and other crimes because they claim that’s “unamerican.” Gee, why didn’t we get the memo that they’re coming back THIS TIME? Could it be that GoG and SHARE don’t give a damn about the concerns of their neighbors?
I guess if you’re doing “God’s work,” you get a free pass on being a good neighbor
This is the organization to which GOG belongs. It needs to be in the loop with GOG, SHARE, Solid Ground, City of Seattle.
thank you hayduke for remembering.
Promises made to creat agreement and then forgotten .. leave traces of distrust.
I am currently in another city in a warmer state. Every night homeless at different places in the city have opportunities to line up and be provided FREE transport to a shelter with FREE services. WA could learn from a more ‘compassionate’ organized state.
I am not against the process of providing services to those in need. I have been adamant and concerned re GOG and Shatre’s mistruths which remain. I hope next time- whenever that is that truth is used to keep doors and trust open.